Chapter 9

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Sara was quick to catch the falling phone.Sara carefully handed the phone back to Ishan, concern etched on her face as she observed his shock. His wide-eyed expression and prolonged silence made her wonder if he had witnessed a ghost. For a good five minutes, Ishan remained too stunned to utter a single word.

"What happened, Ishan? You look like you've seen a ghost," Sara asked, her concern growing as she noticed his shaken state.

"Sara, I... I don't know what to say," Ishan finally managed to stammer out, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Ishan struggled to find the right words, his mind still reeling from the unexpected news. "It's... It's nothing, just a... a misunderstanding," he replied vaguely, unable to disclose the shocking revelation to Sara.

Sensing Ishan's distress, Sara gently squeezed his hand. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you," she reassured him.

"Ishan,you were about to propose, weren't you?" Sara asked with a smile, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Sara...I..." -Ishan couldn’t utter a word.His mind is now fully engage with the shocking phone call.Surely they couldn’t be that drank to get married.Surely there must be some miscommunication.

"Sara,you are coming to India after exam right?We will talk then.I have to go now.Stay safe."

As Ishan bid a quick goodbye, his mind was consumed by the bewildering news of the supposed marriage.He needs to find Shubman.

When Ishan reached the hotel it was already afternoon.When Ishan entered to the room Ishan and Shubman shared,he saw Surya,Siraj and Shubman was playing a video games.Shubman looked so happy and carefree.Ishan almost envied him.He wish he wasn't the one who got the call.

Ishan waited till the room was empty.

"Ishan lets go to the adjacent coffee shop.Rohit bhaia's treat." Shubman said cheerfully.

Ishan couldn't return the cheer.He said,"No,sit.I need to talk to you."

Concern flashed across Shubman's face."What happened?Why the long face?Did sara rejected you?"-Shubman asked.

"What?No!I wish it was that simple!Umm...Did you get any weird call today?"-Ishan asked feeling unsure where to start.

Shubman shook his head. "No, not any call. Ah, that reminds me, I haven't called my mom yet. Let me do that," he said, reaching for his phone.

"Shubman, no, pay attention to me," Ishan said, his frustration evident in his voice as he tried to redirect Shubman's focus.

"Okay,then stop beating around the bush and tell!"

"I got a call from the chapel we were sleeping when Surya bhai and mia came to wake us up"


"They offered us a honeymoon packages saying we got married there last night."

Shubman burst into laughter, finding the situation unbelievable.

"Seriously, Ishan, if you're trying to prank me, you need to plan better. That's not even believable," Shubman said, chuckling between his words.

No, Shubman. It's true." Ishan showed Shubman his phone. "See, they even sent me a text with a registration link."

This time, Shubman's expression changed to one of concern.

"This... It can't be right. I don’t remember marrying!"

"What do you remember?" Ishan asked, hoping for some clarity.

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