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This chapter was supposed to have already been out

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This chapter was supposed to have already been out. I have just finished writing and it's do late but I want to say this is the Valentine's Day chapter. Excuse the mistakes.

Czar was complaining in the driver's seat, while Honey sat next to him, getting more annoyed by his constant whining all morning long. Ever since she smacked him and they had that crazy angry sex a few days back, things had been tense between them. Even though it was Valentine's Day, Czar was still holding a grudge about their fight from earlier in the week. Honey wanted to move past it, but Czar wouldn't let it go. His attitude made it clear he was still stewing about what went down. Honey sighed, hoping they could put their drama aside and enjoy the holiday together. But Czar kept on complaining, souring the mood.

Dimples? Czar knew better than to call Honey that. Nicknames were for everyone else, not him.

The couple found themselves downtown on a busy holiday morning. Parking was sparse, so Czar had to stash the car down the street. As he hopped out without opening Honey's door for her, she just chuckled and shook her head. Childish. She stepped onto the sidewalk in her Jimmy Choos and made her way inside.

The restaurant was decked out in red and pink decor with some romantic tunes spinning. Despite the morning hour, this was meant to be a dinner for lovers. Honey hoped Czar would remember that.

Honey wasn't about to let Czar ruin her Valentine's Day vibe. As she sauntered over to the empty seat beside him, Czar childishly blocked it with his foot. Unfazed, Honey playfully batted his shoulder, forcing him to relinquish the chair with an annoyed suck of his teeth.

After settling into her seat with a coy smile, Honey leaned in conspiratorially. "Why you gotta be so childish on Valentine's Day?" she teased. Czar only huffed, distracted by the waitstaff circulating with mimosas and festive shots. He needed a drink.

With a shrug, Honey turned to chat up the girl on her other side. Czar grabbed a mimosa and shot for himself. He knocked back the shot fast, face screwing up at the strength. Czar wasn't much of a drinker.

Throughout the party, the two stayed apart almost noticeably.

Nadia pulled Honey away from the crowd to talk because she could see tension between Honey and Czar. Honey looked at Nadia confused with a short smile and gazing around. She wanted to pretend everything was well—Nadia could see right through her.

" Honey, what's going on?"

Honey sighed, looking around before answering.

" A couple of days Czar and I got into it and I hit him because some girl came to him." Nadia's eyes went wide at her shocked that someone hit Czar and it happened to be Honey.

Nadia had a smirk, " Girl, that's crazy you did that."

Honey's eyes met Czar's from across the dimly lit party. He held her gaze for a moment before flashing her an icy smirk and flicking her off, his features etched with pettiness. Honey scoffed and shook her head, turning away.

She spent the rest of the evening alone, weaving through the crowds as Czar brooded in the corner, shoveling cake into his mouth. His eyes tracked her every move, making sure any admiring men knew she was taken.

As Honey reached for a red velvet cupcake, a soft voice spoke up beside her. She turned to see a handsome Latino man smiling warmly. Honey returned the friendly gesture, careful not to encourage his interest. She knew Czar was the jealous type - stooping to his level would be unwise.

The man followed Honey to the dance floor. She moved awkwardly, hyperaware of Czar's searing gaze from across the room. His hands clutched a fork tightly, jaw clenched at the sight of another man so close. Though irrational, Czar seemed to want this - a chance to demonstrate his crazy possessiveness.

The man pulled Honey against him as a pop song played. She touched his arm lightly in protest and he let go. "Sir, that's too much. Don't you want to know if I'm single first?" Honey asked politely.

The man looked surprised. "My apologies. A beautiful woman like you alone - I assumed your man wasn't treating you right." He paused. "What's your name?"

Honey hesitated, noticing Czar had disappeared from his table. "It's Honey. And I'm not available - my boyfriend is here somewhere, though I've seemed to have lost him in the crowd."

Just then, Czar's friend Nadia rushed over and whispered that Czar was waiting in the car, fuming. Honey turned back to the man. "It was nice to meet you, but I really must be going."

"Let me give you my card in case you change your mind," he replied, slipping it into her hand. Honey forced a smile and left, studying the name engraved - Santiago. She slipped the card into her clutch and headed outside.

Czar sat smoking a cigarette in the running car, its heavy bass pulsing into the air. His head bobbed along as he waited for her, features etched with irrational jealousy and possession. Honey sighed, opening the door to slide inside.

" How come you didn't talk to ole' boy in there, hm?" Czar blows out smoke and smiles at Honey ignoring his glance.

" Czar, what in the world?" She cops an attitude.

Czar said nothing but just looked at her face examining her features.

" It doesn't matter if you took his number and decided to leave because, at the end of the day, you will never be able to get rid of me. It's death row round hea'— Happy Fucking Valentines Day, my baby." He shouts in a comical tone and pulls out carelessly into the main road.

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