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"Ok listen up class we have a new student joining our class her name is Miley and I want you to make her feel welcome. Do you have anything to say" your new teacher announces to the class

"Nah not really" you say earning a couple laughs from some girls at the back.

"Ok so do you want to sit next to alessia at the back" the teacher says pointing to a chair at the back. *in your head* can't be alessia from England right?

I look to where the teacher is pointing and there she is the blonde, blue eyed girl looking straight at me.

I've always had a little thing for Alessia. She's a really pretty girl with the kindest heart. Even though we don't talk much we still know each other.

"You alright Alessia" I said as I walk to the back and sit down

She doesn't say anything just looks up and smiles.

I look to the other side of me to see a very shocked looking Jacob. Me and Jacob have been friends since birth as before my mum passed away mine and his mum where best fiends.

"Miley what the fuck are you doing here" he said still shocked.

"Hello to you too Jacob. But Arsenal academy want me to play for them so I had to move here. I'm not complaining Leeds reminds me of mum to much" I said to him

"You could have told me. Anyways yeah I get it and Alessia plays for Arsenal academy." He said pointing at Alessia.

"Oh really I swear you played for Chelsea" you say looking at Alessia.

"Nah i fell out with some of the girls and Arsenal wanted me so I took it" she said still looking at her book.

"Far enough. Looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot then." I said to her

"Your dream then" Jacob said from beside me.

"Actually J do you ever shut up" I said punching him in the arm.

"Oi" he said flipping me off

I walk into my my period one class with Jacob by my side as we are in all the same classes.

When I walk In I am met with the one and only Alessia Russo.

"Is she in all our classes" I said to Jacob

"Sadly yes" he said acting sad

"It's not sad" I said.

I was sitting at the back of the class again next to Alessia and Jacob. The teacher gets a phone class and tell me and Alessia that we need to go the PE office so we get up and walk out of class.

"do you know why we are going to the pe office" I ask alessia as we are walking through the corridors at school.

"No clue might have something to do with football try outs are tonight by the way" she said as we walk into the pe office

"Russo, Anderson just the two people I wanted to see. Sit down. So I know you both play for the Arsenal academy or are going to play for them. Well I just wanted to confirm if you are up for doing the school team" my PE teacher says to me and Alessia.

"I mean yeah I'll definitely do it i don't know about alessia though" I said looking at alessia at the end.

"Yeah you know me of course I will play I have for the past 2 years" she says.

"alright thank you girls you can go back to your class and I'll see you tonight" My PE teacher said.
(Skip to 5 period)

I walk into 5 period with Jacob and I see Alessia standing at the door.

YOUNG LOVE- alessia Russo Where stories live. Discover now