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When I woke up i saw alessia sleeping on me still. I get out of bed leaving alessia to sleep and  walk down stairs. I walk into the living room and am met with my sister and some girl making out on the sofa.

They clearly didn't notice me so I cleared my throat getting there attention. They soon get off each other.

"Hey stranger" I said playfully hitting Isabella's arm.

"Hey your amazing bit sister is here aswell" Amelia said next to us. I just laugh and give her a hug.

Me, Isabella and Amelia are just talking on the sofa when I hear footsteps coming down stairs.

"Oh yeah guys I have someone to introduce" I turn around and look at the door to see a very confused alessia.

"Less this is my sister Amelia and we'll actually what even are you guys" I said pointing between them.

"Oh yeah me and Amelia are dating" Isabella said.

"Oh well this is my sister Amelia and her girlfriend Isabella who is also Jacobs sister" I said to alessia and suddenly she looked really panicked. "Less it's fine Jacob and Isabella don't talk" I said knowing that alessia would get anxious.

"How is my brother anyway" Isabella said

"He's a dick"

"What did he do now" Isabella said clearly annoyed.

"So him and alessia were or are dating i don't know anymore but he was calling her a disappointment and saying she's overweight and after that he slapped her. Then I punched him and then he turned up at our house and called alessia a slut and punched me so I punched him" I said and Isabella and Amelia just looked shocked and angry.

"I swear I'm going to kill him. I'm so sorry he treated you like that alessia he's honestly a dick" Isabella said.

"It's fine I'm going to dump him tomorrow at school anyways" alessia said looking at me. When she said that the biggest smile grew in my face.

"So how did you two meet" Amelia said

"Well we knew each other from England but didn't talk. And we go to the same school and are in all the same classes so we just kinda got to know each other more" I said smiling at alessia.
(a/n I'm changing there age to 15)

"Well Miley I saw those pictures of you at that party and how close you and that girl where what's going on there" Isabella said.

"Oh I actually completely forgot. Her name is Emily and we are dating but she cheated on me with Jacob so i need to confront her" I said annoyed.

"Well looks like your enjoying London" Isabella said.

"Yeah totally" I said sarcastically "well I'm going to my room you coming less?" I said and she just nodded. I let her walk out first and as I looked at Isabella she just winks.
The next day me and alessia are sat in tutor talking to one another.  we see Jacob walk in still bruised and I could help but laugh.

Alessia slaps my arm and goes to talk to him. I keep a close eye on them and then I see Jacob scrunch his fist so before he could hit alessia I stand between them and he punches me and walks away.

"Miley you need to stop protecting me." Alessia said.

"Less he was going to punch me" I said as we sit back down.when I look to the front I see this brunette girl with green eyes and freckles.

"Who's she" I ask the girl next to me.

"She new her name is Olivia she actually really nice" the girl said.

YOUNG LOVE- alessia Russo Where stories live. Discover now