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"Ok I will don't worry." I said brining her into a hug. I felt her relax into my body. "Cmon let's go to bed. Do you when any clothes or anything" I asked.

"No sorry I kinda just left the house" she said tearing up.

"Hey hey it's ok you can borrow some of mine" I said and we walked into my bedroom. I got her some shorts and one of my old arsenal shirts.

"K you get into bed and I'll go sleep on the sofa. Night le" I said begging to walk out the room.

"What do you mean" she said.

"You sleep in here and I'll go sleep on the sofa it's not a big deal." I said.

"Miley please stay I hate sleeping on my own" she said.

"Only if you want me too" I said.

"Please Miley" she said.

"Cmon then get into bed" I said. We both got into bed leaving a space between us. I could see Leah was uncomfortable so I brought her into a cuddle and her head was on my chest.

"Goodnight Miley" she said.

"Night Leah. If you need me in the night just wake me up" I said and we both drifted off to sleep in eachother  arms.

The next morning I wake up before Leah. I decided to go and make her some breakfast. I'm in the kitchen making some chocolate chip pancakes as it's leahs favourite breakfast. I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around and see Hayley.

"Your back" I said.

"Yeah am I not aloud to see my girlfriend or something" she said.

"Whatever Hayley" I said.

"Look Miley I think I'm going to be here a lot from now on and I just want us to get along." She said.

"Not happening and what do you mean you'll be here a lot." I said confused as I took a sip of my coffee.

"I'm going on loan to arsenal" she said Making me choke on my coffee.

"Your what!! Hayley you can't. You love city it's always been your dream club. It's your home" I said.

"I know Miley but I really love alessia and I want to be closer to her. She's honestly my dream girl" she said making my heart break. I didn't have feeling for Hayley but hearing her say this and knowing alessia felt the same hurt like a bitch.

"Hayley promise me one thing" I said and she nodded. "Please don't hurt her. She's been through alot and if anything happens to her I swear to god I will kill you with my bare hand" I said.

"I promise Miley. I would do anything to protect her" she said. She gave me a hug which was nice.

"Nice seeing you too get along" alessia said walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah won't last long though." I said and me and Hayley laugh. "I should take these in for Leah and wake her up" I said.

"It's really nice you taking care of her Miley" Hayley said.

"I mean yeah she's my best friend" I said lieing.  I walked out of the kitchen and into my bedroom to see Leah awake on her phone. I knock on the door getting her attention.

"Hey where did you go I got cold" she said.

"I made you breakfast" I said putting the tray into her lap.

"Thanks Miley" she said smiling at me "you didn't need to do that".

"It's the least I can do Leah. You deserve it. Anyways eat that then we need to go to training." I said.

YOUNG LOVE- alessia Russo Where stories live. Discover now