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I was standing in Alessias porch sorting my suit out when the door opened.

"I don't have to give you the talk so I Miley?" Gio alessias older brother said

"Don't be annoying gio" alessia said while walking out the door. She looked absolutely stunning and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Cmon guys let's get a picture" alessias mum said. Me and alessia took a picture then Mario came to the door.

"Look after her won't you Miley" Mario said.

"Of course I will" I said giving alessia a kiss on her head.
When we arrived at the venue we got out the care and I took alessias hand.

The night was perfect.

Me and alessia had a great time and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else.

This girl truly means the world to me.

We went round and talked to every saying out good lucks for college as we found out that this was the last time we would be all together.

Alessia stuck by my side the entire time which I loved.  I love alessia.

We where taking to lotte when I saw Olivia walking over I put my hand around alessias neck and brought her into a hug.

"Olivia's coming"  I said and she immediately tensed up.

"Please Miley don't let her touch me" alessia said.

"Darling she won't touch you stay next to me and if she try's anything we'll leave" I said pulling out of the hug to see Olivia talking to lotte.

"Hey less how are you I've not seen you for a while" Olivia said. I put my arm around alessias waist and brought her into my body.

"Yeah I'm ok Olivia how are you" alessia asked clearly just trying to be polite.

"I'm better now I've see you. Do you wanna go dance" Olivia asked. And alessia looked up at me.

"Sorry Olivia alessias abit tired we're about to head home actually." I said.

"Oh that's no fun. Cmon less let's have some fun" she said trying to grab alessias hand I moved alessia by here waist and we went outside and sat on a bench.

"I'm sorry" alessia said with her head on my shoulder and out hands interlocked.

"Less there's no need to be sorry she was being weird and clearly making you uncomfortable if it wasn't in front of literally everyone from our school I would have punched her" I said to her.

"But you shouldn't have to do that Miley. I'm to much work for you." She stood up and started waking away.

"Less where you going" i she grabbing her hand.

"Home you don't deserve me your too good for me" alessia said.

"Don't be silly less. You 100% deserve me. You the most sweet, caring, thoughtful, calming, loving person I have ever met and not to mention you are literally drop dead gorgeous and I know alot has happened but if nothing ever happened I think it would be abit boring would it" I said and she nodded and put her head down and looked at her hands. I took her hand in mine "do you want to go home less" I asked her.

"I will you stay here" she said.

"Don't be silly less of course I'm coming with you." I said. We started walking back and alessia started limping and slowly down "what's up less" I asked her.

"These heels are killing my feet" she said. I took of my shoes and gave the to her.

"Have mine" I said.

YOUNG LOVE- alessia Russo Where stories live. Discover now