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Me, less and lotte have been in America for 2 weeks and a lot has happened.

I've been having random hook ups with people I meet at bars (I have just turned 18). Alessia doesn't know but I need to tell her.

College has been ok. I've never liked school so I wasn't expecting anything. Football here is amazing. It's definitely going to take time to get used to but I think it's going pretty well.

I haven't spoken to grace since we broke up and quite frankly I don't want to.

Me and alessia haven't been talking. I think we are both confused and stressed about this whole situation.

Me and this girl Ellie have been getting on really well. We arnt flirting and I have no feelings for her. But we are definitely really good friends.

We are currently in the hallway at college since we have 15 minutes till our next class. I am with Ellie a couple of her friends and a couple of mine.

We where just talking when I see Charlotte one of my hook ups that I met at a club. She was walking towards me. I didn't even know she had gone to my college.

"Hey Miley i didn't know you went here" she said coming up to me and kissing me. Out of the corner of my eye i see alessia looking at us. I knew that she was upset. I could tell by the look in her eyes.

"You alright charlotte. Yeah I didn't know you came here either" I Said to her. I see alessia walk away and into the toilets. "I'll be back in second stay here" I said walking off into the toilets.

"Less" I said.

"Who is she. Your girlfriend" she said.

"Woah no way she isn't my girlfriend. I met her at a club and kinda hooked up with her. I didn't know she came here but I don't want anything to do with her I'm just confused" I said truthfully.

"Thanks for telling the truth Miley but why are you confused" she asked.

"About us less. I really like you and I know I've done a lot in the past and I honestly regret that so much"I explained.

"I like you too Miley but honestly I don't think that we could be together. You've messed me around to much" she said. I knew I couldn't get angry and had to be the bigger person.

"I know less" I said to her.
Me and alessia had that conversation 3 days ago and we haven't talked at all. Like we haven't anything to each other. I've been staying at Ellie's a lot because it's so tense I'm the house and I was packing to go there but I couldn't find my charger.

I went downstairs and into the living room looking for my charger.

"What are you looking for" alessia said. This was the first time she had talked to me since we had that conversation.

"My charger I can't find it anywhere."

"Is it in your bag" she asked

"No I'm packing I'm staying somewhere tonight" I said but I was so concentrated on finding my charger I didn't think about what my answer was to the next question.

"Where you staying" she said.

"A girls house" I said and looked at her. All I could see was hurt. But either way even if I was staying at a girls house. She doesn't want anything to do with me so why does she care.

I find my charger. It was in my bag like alessia said. I run down stairs saying bye getting 2 byes in return and go to Ellie house.
"Cmon man you need to get up we have team meal" she said as I lied on her bed not getting up.

YOUNG LOVE- alessia Russo Where stories live. Discover now