Chapter 1

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Elysian was... an elf?
And... she could turn off people's abilities?
That meant... Sophie was wrong all along?
Which meant... the third step of Stellarlune couldn't be performed?
That was such a relief. But also horrible.
Keefe needed the power source.
But with this... potentially evil elf guarding it... there... was no chance.
Before Sophie could find her voice, Biana chimed in
"The power source is... an elf?" Immediately bursting into laughter.

"I am the guardian of the power source, and no, in case you were wondering, Keefe Sencen," Elysian paused when everyone gasped, "No, you cannot destroy me. After all, how can you destroy the daughter of the creator of the universe?"

"Creator... of the universe?" Sophie asked, finding her voice.

"Yes, Sophie Foster, I am the daughter of the creator of the universe. I am the soul guardian of the power source, some of it resides in me, the rest is hidden, even from me, and no one can take it. I would give it to you, Keefe Sencen, but I cannot. If anyone takes this power, the world as we know it could end. I cannot take such a big risk for one mortal child. I am sorry." Sophie was surprised at the warmth in Elysian's voice, she really would Keefe the power source if she would... but that didn't take away one thing.

"You wondering why I know your names?" Elysian asked her, Sophie nodded, thinking she probably read her mind.

"I am the daughter of the creator of the universe. Do you honestly think I would not know your names?" Elysian asked

"Oh... okay. But... so... you have... the light of the universe." She said

"Correct. My mother is the creator. She gave me some of the power source to guard, and put me in a secret location no one could ever find. She tossed a starstone onto Earth, knowing that no one would ever find it, but... you have, I guess. But you must leave now. This territory is sacred, spirits reside in the skies of my fields, and you cannot have the power source. If it is an extreme case, I will ask my mother. I will call to give you my answer, now, though, you must leave."


"Wondering how you'll get my call? You'll get it, and you know when you'll get it. If you come before I give you my call, you will face dire consequences."

"Like D-"
"Worse than death, Sophie. Torture."
"Now, leave or I have ways to make you leave, so please."

As the friends held hands and took the starstone to the light, Elysian called out "Wait!"
"What?" Marella asked
"Sophie's bodyguard is still here. Do you want him back?"
"Yes!" Sophie called
"Very well," and with a snap, Elysian brought Sandor back. He was horribly injured.
"Here, I will feed him a drop of my divine light of my healing powers. He will heal in a second after he receives it." Elysian held her hands to the sun, and, her hands glowed with light, she turned her hand so that a drop of the light could fall on Sandor. The moment it hit him, the scratches disappeared, and he was back on his feet.
"Thank you," Sandor said to Elysian.
"My pleasure. Mother will be happy. Now, if you were wondering about your powers, everyone in my presence loses any abilities they have, but as soon as you are out of my presence, you will get them back."
"What about me?" Lady Gisela, who had been quiet until now, asked.
"Lady Gisela Minette Sencen, a pleasure to meet you. Now, as for you..." Elysian trailed off, snapping her fingers and Lady Gisela appeared beside her.
"How dare you enter my divine territory! Not only are you a mortal soul, but you are also an evil soul. These mortal children entered my lands and I will forgive because their intentions are right. But yours? Not at all. You almost killed this innocent goblin-"
"Sandor," Sandor corrected
"Anyhow, I cannot tolerate your evil actions. You will not leave with the rest. You will stay with me. From now on, you will stay in the worst part of Elysian Fields' sky, the torture chambers." With that, Elysian conjured a dagger and to everyone's horror, slashed at Gisela's throat. Gisela immediately fell to the ground, dying.
"There, now your problems are reduced." Elysian said.

But Keefe was shaking. For good reason, though.
Lady Gisela's chest fell still. Forever.
She made herself think the words.
Lady Gisela is dead.

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