Chapter 7: after (edited).

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Leah (p.o.v):

It was a Friday after school.  I had just changed my bedsheets to brand new washed ones.  My bed felt warm enough from the dryer that it made me want to jump in a cold Pool. Nah, I'm exaggerating but it's giving me a great excuse to just walk to the beach.

And that's what I decided to do.

I love the feeling of the  sand on my toes and I was thankful the sun was finally setting, the sand wasn't as hot and I could just enjoy the walk. It was so quiet.

The sky always looked purple with hints of yellow and orange. I'm not an artist but that's how I could explain it... it looked like a painting. The ocean looked so blue.
I sat on the sand and extended my legs, feeling the waves touch my toes and feeling the sand slipped through my legs.

I knew that I missed Brendan's birthday because we weren't on speaking terms. I feel bad about it. I have to admit I over reacted. I miss him.
Ever since I moved the only real friend I've had is Brendan. I knew I needed to apologize.

I should text him right?

I should wait, right?

Ugh why am I so indecisive? 

I had texted Brendan's brother to help me
Plan things. We decided to throw him another birthday party at my place because my dad was going to be working all night that day and I had to watch little Eddie. It wasn't going to be a big party anyways so I knew I could handle it.

Ryan agreed to drop my best friend at my place. It wasn't even going to be an actual party. Brendan, Ryan, my brother and Serena.

I bought a cake, some balloons, and Esteban got tequila.

Esteban and I found out that my dad was going to be basically not coming home until 5am. We had all night to enjoy.
Ryan ended up telling Brendan that he was coming over and surprisingly he accepted. I thought he would say no.  We all met at my house and I ended apologizing to him.

"So do you forgive me? I'm sorry. In the end I prefer your friendship over a grade." I said to him. He smiled and gave me a hug.

"I know I am awesome, so I forgive you." He said in this very cocky tone. He went in for a hug but I jokingly pushed him away. "Oh shut up!"

My brother, his girlfriend and Brendan's brother were outside smoking some weed and having a shot. We joined them.

"Nooo! You're not smoking Leah, if dad even gets a hint that you smoked he will kick me out." My brother said after Ryan tried to pass me the joint.

"Oh come on Esteban!"

"No, Ryan , no."

"Sorry girl" Ryan said. Talk about a buzz kill. At least my brother let me have a shot and oh my gawd, it was strong as hell. Tequila is nasty.

Brendan and I decided to go upstairs to my room, my brother didn't even noticed since he was sucking face with Serena and Ryan had invited a girl over.

Brendan and I both laid in bed. "You know I was pretty upset that we got into that fight and that you missed my birthday party. Thank you for this." He said holding my hand and squeezing it.

"No need to say thank you. It's the least I can do for you. Sorry. " I said again. I just hated the fact that we would have to share our project. I guess in my head I wanted the professor just to focus on me.

I closed my eyes and pictured him kissing me...
Mr. Ulliel... ugh he is so hot.  I wanted to make out so bad. I opened my eyes and saw Brendan who's actually quiet attractive and felt the urge to kiss him....

My Brothers College Professor (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now