Chapter 11: She is back

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Leah (p.o.v)

Three weeks have gone by since that nice walk on the beach I've had with Sebastian.  In those three weeks, I have gotten to know him a little bit more. Brendan and I got so used to working for him after school. Sebastian was now entrusting us to deliver important papers to other professors and checking exams on our own, writing letters etc.

In this three weeks I have to admit that I had fallen for him. At first, yes, it was infatuation. He's an attractive man, who dresses and smells nice but now I was getting to know him as a person.  How he cares so much about his students, about Robert and his wife. I learned that he was talking Italian lessons which made him even more sexier.
We made it a thing that on Mondays he would get us Ruspantes(the sandwiches) and the three of us would eat together. Even Lydia had become less bitchy, I guess since she dyed her hair red, her persona changed. Hahaha I'm joking but she did dyed her hair red.... And of course she's still with Sebastian.

At this point in my life I had decided I was just going to admire and like Sebastian in secret. If he was happy with Lydia then fine. I wasn't able to change my feelings for him specially now as they grew deeper with seeing him every week. I just admire him so much...

On another note, mom is going to be back for two weeks and then back to work on another project in Canada. This time she's taking dad for a week vacation which is fine lovely. I don't know how they're still married when they barely see each other or maybe that's why they're still married? Who knows.
I'm just excited to see her and I know little Eddie misses her a lot.
Tonight my dad is going to pick her up while we wait for her at home with balloons and her favorite dinner Spaghetti Alle Vongola.
Friday night, we will have the dinner with Sebastian, Robert and his wife. It'll be at home on yard and I'm so excited. It's going to be something a little more casual so I have to figure out what to wear.

Anyways, the school day have finally come to an end. Brendan offered to drive me home but Esteban was picking me up.

"I'll text you okay." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"All right. Have fun tonight reuniting with your mom." Brendan waved good bye and walked towards the parking lot.  I walked to the entrance of the school waiting on my brother who wasn't texting me back. I hate waiting.

"Bye Leah!" I heard Pri's voice, she was getting in her moms car.

"Bye bye!!!" I waved back.

It had been 10 freaking minutes until I finally saw my brothers cars. I was so annoyed!

"What took you so long?" I said sitting on the passengers sit and closing the door a little too hard.

"Woah excuse me?! Don't give me attitude okay? I've had a long day and still found time to pick me up? The least you can do is say thank you."

"You didn't have to pick me up. Brendan was going to take me."

"You ungrateful brat." He said and started driving. The rest of the drive was basically silent. I know I had overreacted.

"I'm sorry Esteban. Thank you for picking me up."

"It's fine." He said but I could tell he was still mad at me.

"Esteban, mom is coming back tonight. I think we should just forget this little fight."

"You're right. I have to admit it's going to be a little weird having her for two weeks don't you think?"

"What do you mean? It's mom."

"I know but I guess I got so used to the dynamic that we have with dad. I don't know. I'm excited to see her though." He said.

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