Chaptwe 16: Rumors

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It's Thursday

I woke up to the sound of my alarm as usual. I was extremely tired since we stayed up late at Pri's house and once I got home it took me a couple of hours to fall asleep. 
First thing first check my phone. I noticed I had a text from Brendan.

"4:49am? What the heck?" I whispered. I turned my nightstand light on and read the text. "Leah! Wtf people are saying they saw making out with professor Ulliel!" My jaw instantly dropped. I quickly texted him back asking who was saying that. It's not true whatsoever.

I went and took a shower and got ready for school but honestly I couldn't focus. I had this lingering anxiety about the text. I checked my phone again and Brendan left me on read!!! ON READ!!

-hello?!!!!!- I texted him again. I went downstairs and as always Xena had breakfast ready. Dad was finishing his coffee and kissed me goodbye. He had a 20 hour shift at the hospital.  I looked at my breakfast and honestly I had zero appetite.

"What's wrong with the breakfast? You love pancakes with a side of fruits."

"I'm sorry. I'm not hungry but you can have it or just give it to little Eddie with some whip cream." I said staring at my phone nonstop waiting for Brendan to text me back.

"Is everything okay Leah?" She placed her hand on my arm. It was comforting. "Yeah... I am fine. I'm just not hungry. I'll be in the living room waiting on Brendan to come."

It was starting to get late and I still haven't heard from my best friend. "Fuck this!" I said and decided to get an uber to school.

-Are you seriously ignoring me right now? 😒😑-

I made it to school and everything seemed normal. Nobody was looking at me in a weird way. So who the heck was saying I made out with Sebastian? I wish. 
Everything changed once I made it to my first period,  I recognized some people who were at the party and they quickly glanced at me and looked away. The vibe just felt weird, I don't know how to explain it.
I texted Brendan again and NOTHING. Crickets.

I knew I had to see him either way, during lunch or our last period. He can't hide for ever and not explain me what the heck is going on.

-Brendan this is not funny. I didn't make out with Sebastian. I would never.-

I couldn't wait to finally make it to lunch time. I was so worried that I still didn't have an appetite. I went looking for him at the patio and nothing, cafeteria nothing and I didn't see Pri either so it's obvious they're together.

I passed by this girl named Janoah who was at the party and heard her whispered something to a guy who was in a lower grade than us. He then quickly looked at me and went back to talking to her.  I rolled my eyes. So this is how it feels when people are talking shit about you? Or is it in my head?

"Chemistry lab! Of course!" I whispered to myself. Pri was giving Brendan extra tutoring lessons for AP chemistry because he was a little behind. I fast walked to the other side of the building. I saw them both in the class through the window.

"We need to talk." I said as soon as I opened the door ñ. They both looked away from the thick chemistry book. Brendan rolled his eyes at jume.

"If I haven't text you back, what makes you think I want to talk to you in person?" Brendan said with this stupid smirk on his face. I was ready to throw him a book and erase that dumb smirk.

"Are you serious right now? We are supposed to be best friends and you can't give me a second?"

"Leah, not everything revolves around you. As you see I'm studying. Im not even at lunch because I have to focus on this. I'll deal with your drama later. Okay? Now can you excuse us?"

My Brothers College Professor (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now