Chapter 14:

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Leah (p.o.v)

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Brendan and I had passed out but in the living  room this time.  I was laying down on Brendan's chest and had drooled on his shirt. 

"Oh ewww" I whispered.

"You guys are adorable." Ryan said coming down the stairs waking Brendan up.

"Oh hey good morning" he said. I quickly got up and went to my room to wash my face and brush my teeth.   Once done l, I went downstairs and met up with everyone.

"Serena, you always make us a feast. Looks delicious." I said just by the smell of the Turkey bacon, the fried eggs, toast, potatoes... ugh so good.  I went to get my baby brother.

We had breakfast and it was pretty nice. Little Eddie loves Serena and she loves spoiling him
And playing with him. We all had a great time that weekend and my bond with Brendan grew more than I ever expected. I loved knowing about his background and how many similarities we had. It's crazy I've always said he's my best friend but I didn't really know him that well up until this weekend. Brendan is one of the best guys I know.


We are getting close to summer and exam season is around the corner. I've been stressing since it's my last year and I have tests to deal with, my thesis with Mr. Ulliel, I have to work on. My messed up family issues too.

Pri had helped me a lot with exams. Brendan, Pri and I would just go to my place and study. The girl is literally the best student in our class so she was basically tutoring us.

"Okay next Monday we have physics exam with miss Suarez. She loves using google questions so we will practice with those tomorrow okay? Now I have to go focus on my extra curriculum activities. " Pri said putting her books in her book bag.

"You want to go to MIT right?" Brendan asked laying on my bed. She nodded "I am going." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Have you finished your thesis?"

"Almost, I've been working on it since I started working with Professor Nguyen. Such a nice lady. What about you guys with the professor? I've heard he's very popular."

"Mr.Ulliel is great. Honestly I actually want to become a lawyer." Brendan said getting up and giving Pri a hug goodbye. I noticed some looks between them.

"Yes, he's amazing and great to look at." I said. I don't know why I got a little upset by the way Brendan and Pri hugged. Let's call it friend jealousy? Ever since she was helping us with physics and chemistry they have gotten close.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we see Mr. Ulliel after school but this Monday we couldn't because he had to go to court to represent a client. I had definitely missed seeing him but I was extremely grateful for the tutoring.

Brendan offered to walk Pri to the door. It honestly made me a little jealous. After a few minutes he came in my room. He looked happy, even a little flustered. He had a big smile that made his eyes even more almond shape, his lips were sealed but his rosy cheeks spoke volumes.

"What is going on with you and Pri?" I asked

"What? Nothing."

"Brendan, aren't we best friends? So what's going on?" I asked again. He sat next to me. I don't know if it's because we are closer to summer but his freckles were more visible and it just made him look extremely cute.

"Well... ever since we started getting tutoring lessons from her, I don't know, I realized she's cool. She's fun, kind and she's so pretty. So I dm'd her and we are casually flirting." He said with a smile.

"Oh... that's amazing. So have you asked her out on a date?"

"Not yet. Pri is extremely academically aware and she's always busy plus her parents are very strict. I do want to ask her out."

"Hmm nice. Well if you guys ever need to hangout and her parents are strict. We can always come here and you two can... yeah hangout."

"Really? Because they would never allow her to come to my place. Thank you Leah. That's why you're my best friend." He said with a big smile.

"Of course. Anything for you." I said getting up and heading to the bathroom while rolling my eyes. 



School was finally over and we headed to university. Brendan was going to be some minutes late because he needed to stop by professor Krishnan's office and drop off some binders for Mr. Ulliel.

I was carrying on some coffees for the three of us and came in Mr. Ulliel office. As soon as I entered I got caught by Sebastian throwing a book against the wall and shouting the words -FUCK !-

As soon as he saw me he stopped himself. "Leah, right now is not the best time. We will need to reschedule todays lesson." He said. I had never seen him this angry. His face was red and his eyes looked like they were going to explote. I could see veins on his neck. He was upset.

"Is everything okay? Are you okay?" I asked closing the door behind me. I set the coffees on the desk.

"Leah please. Just leave." He said sitting on his chair taking a deep breath. He got up and took a key out of his pocket and opened a drawer that was always sealed. He got a crustal bottle out with a dark brown liquid in it. It was obviously alcohol.

He pour himself a drink and had it like a shot.

"Wait, professor..." I hurried my way to him. He put the glass down and his hand was resting on the table. I placed mine on top of him.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Leah, there's things I can't... there's things I can't talk to you about. There's boundaries we need to respect." He said pulling his hand away and returning to his sit.

I got close to him again and kneeled a little to be closer to his face.

"I completely understand that... but whatever is going on I hope you understand that you're deeply appreciated. I care so much about you.... And, and Brendan cares so much about you. I hope you can feel better." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled briefly "Leah, there's things I wish I could tell you but-" his sentence got interrupted midway thanks to Brendan.

"Woah is everything okay?"  He said with a wtf face.

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