Chapter 15: A ride

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"Is everything okay?"- Brendan looked at me and then at Sebastian. I quickly got up and walked towards him.

"Mr. Ulliel doesn't feel well. It's best if we go." I said. We both waved goodbye at Sebastian. Brendan gave me a weird look while we walked to his car.

"What?" I asked. We made it to his car. He didn't say a word and just got in. I did the same.

"Brendan what?"

"Leah, I know you and you're still trying to Per-sue Mr. Ulliel? Leave him alone."

"What is it to you?! You're not my dad. I don't know why you care. Whether I try to flirt or not!"

"I care about you dummy! And I respect Mr. Ulliel and what he has done for us. If you get involved with him..."

"Brendan, stop. We are almost done with the school year so stop. Also, he's not interested in me whatsoever."

"I don't care." He said and started driving towards my place. I just don't understand why he gets so upset. I wonder if it's the same feeling I get when he speaks about Pri and how much she likes her.

Do I like Brendan? Does he like me? Or are we just territorial over each other? I felt so confused at times. 

We made it to my house and we stayed in silence for a few minutes.  "So can you stop acting weird with the whole Sebastian thing?"

"Just don't fuck up my grade." He said with the fakest smile ever. My jaw dropped. Brendan barely curses. "What the heck?"

" I don't want your antics messing up with my grade. Leah you're my best friend but I don't need this drama or you getting involved with a profesor."

"I am not!"

"I know you! I know when you're trying to seduce someone."

"You're an idiot." I said getting out of the car and slamming the door. So annoying. Acting like he's my dad. I hated how self righteous he could be.

"Leah!" He followed me "I am sorry. I'm just very stressed. It's important I get good grades and get accepted into college. So I don't want anything going wrong and if something did happened between you and Sebastian... it could mess up our thesis."

"Brendan. I get it. I would never do anything to hurt you. I just didn't know it meant so much to you." I said because in reality I figured his dad would just enroll him in the same university as Ryan since Brendan doesn't want to move away again and wants to become a lawyer.

"Leah, you know about my family problems. I need to be accepted into college to become independent. Not everyone has it as easy as you." He said and as soon as he said that he bit his lips.  It was like instant regret.

"Excuse me?"

"Im sorry okay. I keep... I keep saying the wrong things. I just want to attend college and let my dad live his life. Help my mom." 

I wanted to speak my mind but I stayed shut. Brendan's family issues are way bigger than mine. I felt for him.

"Let's go inside. Let's eat and do homework."

We went to my room and Xena prepared us some snacks. Crackers with salami and cheese and some juice on the side. We studied some more physics and did our homework.

"Even with the tutoring, I'm still having issues understanding this damn topic." To be honest I kept thinking about Sebastian drinking in the middle of the day. Looking depressed. I wondered what happened.

My Brothers College Professor (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now