Chapter 13: Cinderella

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Leah (p.o.v)

The fight between mom and Esteban was awful. Since then they haven't spoken nor seen each other.
My mom had a small meltdown and went into my room and cried. I did the best I could do to comfort her. I hugged her and play with her hair letting her know we all love her. Esteban is just upset. 

The days went by fast and mom and dad left to Canada. We won't be seeing mom for a couple of  month. Dad will be back after a week and he will be busy again. Our life's will go back to normal... besides Eddie who basically is always forgotten. My poor baby brother. I've been trying my best to spend time with him. I'm just busy with school and everything but I make time.

THE PLAY  Friday

"Sounds like you're having an orgasm" I said to Brendan who kept making mmm ,ugh, umm , mmnyeah sounds.

"If eating funnel cake feels like an orgasm then I want more funnel cake mmm yes more" he said the last three words in a perverted way like he was running out of breath.

"You really need a girlfriend"

"You need a boyfriend too but I keep forgetting you only like weird old man"

" first thing first... Sebastian is not old and second of all is that Sebastian is not weird, he's a classy, smart man.

"Whatever" Brendan said while stuffing his face with funnel cake. I have to admit he looked very cute. He has powder sugar around his lips and I cleaned it off with a napkin.  I hadn't really noticed how nicely shaped his lips were... I mean I have noticed before but-

"Let's go see the show, it should start in 20 minutes we better find good spots" Brendan said pulling me by the wrist , I followed him to the university auditorium and that's when I saw Lydia, her brand new red hair was hard to miss.
She waved at us real quick and we did the same and kept walking.

We got to the auditorium, it was packed.

"dammit ! We are going to have to sit in the back" I said while standing on my toes trying to find a good sit.

" I guess I didn't think it was going to be this crowded"Brendan said looking around still holding his funnel cake.

"Hey!" I recognized that high pitched hey. It was the one and only Serena looking like a damn mermaid princess goddess. She was wearing this tight emerald dress and her hair was up and curled on the ends.

"Hey Serena, how are you?" We both said synchronized. Gawd even I get nervous around her. Brendan was blushing. He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey,guys! I haven't seen y'all since that day at your house Leah. I knew you were coming. I got you reserved sits. Let's go" she said motioning us to follow her. It was crowded but we made it to the front row. It was nice seeing our names on the sits. It made us feel special.

"Okay now I have to go and help out but you guys are in for a treat."

"Wait, you're not in the play?" Brendan asked before Serena left. She told us no, she was just assisting behind the scenes. She said goodbye one last time and her tall self disappeared backstage.

"You know Ryan told me that we will love this. Specially seeing Esteban on stage."

"He hasn't told you anything though? My brother has kept his lips sealed. I don't even think he wanted us here." I said.

"Ryan just said I couldn't miss it. So let's watch the show." Brendan said and as in queue the lights went dim.  The stage went lit. Sebastian walked to the microphone.

"Good evening students, families and friends.  We are about to start a play that my students have put together to help young people who want to attend college make their wishes come true and also to entertain their loved ones and get a good laugh. Enjoy. " he said.

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