Chapter 4; The Project

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Leah ( p.o.v)

"But Sebastian this... this is... is so wrong" I said
between moans, Sebastian was kissing my neck and his hands were going up and down against my body "Leah you are so beautiful I can't keep my hands off you" he said between kisses "Oh Sebastian! wait someone could see us" I said since we were in his office "everyone knocks before coming in."

"Sebastian... Sebastian... oh" I moaned while his kisses got more passionate "Leah, Leah?"


I looked at him and he opened his mouth and a loud beeping sound came out.

"What the..."

I woke up "hell" I said, I shook my head, I was dreaming but it felt so real.. why? Why do I keep having perverted dreams about him? The mind is a hell of a thing. That dream made me feel, my body felt it.

I turn my alarm off and took a shower and got ready for school, it's been a month and a week to be exact since the masquerade... and no I wasn't counting but my brother was. He was infatuated with beautiful Serena and she was with him because they started dating right after the party.

I haven't seen Sebastian, the only thing I have is the memory of us talking on the beach and the masquerade.
"Lee are you ready?" I heard my brother asked from down the stairs, I grabbed my backpack and we got in the car.

"You seem really quiet this morning, everything is okay?"

"Yes, I just feel tired" I said finishing the sentence with a yawn.


"Leah! wait" Brendon yelled waving his hands,  it was nice to see me him in uniform instead of his typical all black outfit. I waved back and waited for him to catch up with me "Morning" I said "morning boo" he said with a smirk on his face "shut up"

"someone is grumpy"

"I'm not, I'm sorry I haven't slept well and I just had a dream about..."

"I know Se-bas-ti-an"

"Stop making fun of me!" I said pushing him playfully.

" I seriously don't understand why you like him so much, he is too old for you"

"age is just a number" I said trying to believe it but common I was one of those girls that would complain about girls liking older guys... and now look at me! I can't stop thinking about a 25 year old.

"Say that to the pedos that are in jail. Age is not just a number Leah. I just don't want you to get hurt, that guy is a full on relationship" Brendon said and he was right I haven't seen him and I probably won't see him again unless I went to the University or whatever but I should just let go of this crush. "I mean it's just a crush, I haven't seen anyone in school who catches my eye."

The day went by slow until one of my classes. I had pick Laws & Politics class as one of my elective classes and I most admit is a very interesting class and my teacher Ms. Judith Williams is great.

I sat next to the window as usual and Brandon sat next to me. I then noticed that in the board it said BIG PROJECT WORTH 40%

"Ugh a big project , I heard Ms. Williams is not a walk in a park when it comes to stuff like that." Brendon said posting at the board. We sat next to each other, as always.
Brendon and I had developed a good friendship and luckily we shared 3 classes together, I felt very lucky to have met him. I was worried that being new and a senior would mean I wouldn't make friends easily.  I had met some people but honestly Brendan, Brendan was that one friend you text every day, even though we hangout in school, we still hangout at our places or we text constantly.  He helped me not miss my friends back home so much, plus they had barely reached out to me ever since a moved.

"Good Afternoon, please everyone sit down class is about to start" Ms.Judith said.
She was wearing a woman's suit and you could see her very pregnant belly. I think she was around 6 months pregnant. Miss Judith is a very small frame woman, she at least 5'0, the typical sweet lady yet, oh my goodness, she was passionate about her classes and a boss. People were somewhat scared of her during class, but after school everyone loved her.

"Ok so first thing first I hope every single one of you read what's on the board. This project is worth 40% percent of your overall grade in this class so if you decide not to do it then you will have to get a perfect 60% meaning you will have to A's every test and homework or else you guys will be-"

I'm Fucked-I thought.

"in a lot of trouble. This project will also help with community hours that I'm sure you all are aware it's required in order to graduate" Ms. Judith explained , ugh she hasn't even explained what exactly is the project about so I'm guessing it'll be tons of reading and researching.

Miss Williams started explaining everything in detail. I was excited. The project consisted on finding a mentor from Law school. The professors there were aware about this. She told us we could pick a senior or a professor. So never mind on choosing my brother but then... Sebastian. I could choose him.

So once we find our mentor, we have to work for them after school, read as much as we can from their work and basically slave away for community hours. Our lovely teacher also explained that all the experience that we learn will be tested for our final exam on a mock trial based on one of our teachers past cases.

"Yes Mathews." Ms. Williams pointed at one of our classmates.

"Can we do this in groups? When do we find time for work with them? And can we pick any law profesor?"

"Good questions, yes you can pick any professor or student unless someone else picked him or her first, you guys will have time after school... it counts as community hours so I would suggest work as much as you can, and no , this is NOT a group project. Any other questions?"

"So we pick a mentor and then what do we do?" Brendon asked

"You guys will write a paper about it, about cases your mentor is working on or how he develops his classes, how he or she decided to become a law professor, everything is explained in detail here" she said handing a stack of papers that looked like a small book.

"Pass them around" Ms. Judith ordered to the first kid sitting on the far right side.

"And when can we give you the assignment?"

Brendon asked again writing everything on his notebook

"Think about this project as a thesis that after winter break you guys will present in front of the class, a thesis is what college students do when they are about to graduate and I would hope every single one of you knows what a thesis is. It's very important you take this seriously specially for the final exam."Ms. Judith said sitting on her desk...

I was just listening in state of shock, could this possibly mean that I could be close to Sebastian? name of my thesis Sebastian Ulliel...

"when can we start working on it?"

"I would suggest as soon as possible but it's up to you guys; but DO NOT FORGET I want your "thesis" ready after winter break. You guys have more than enough time to impress me. Okay now let's go back to class."

I should start soon.. but should I pick Sebastian? oh I totally should... who am I fooling I know I want him so I better pick him before someone else does.

This will be an interesting school year...

NOTE: Thanks for reading :)

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