Chapter 17: Rumors 2

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At that moment Brendan realized he made a mistake. His anger got the best of him. In the end, he shouldn't have been such a dick.

"Let's get back to studying." He said while Pri stared at him wide eyed "Brendan, you need to apologize. That's not okay."  She said closing one of the thick books they had on the desk.

"I'm under a lot of stress right now to be dealing with Leah's crazy obsession with- the point is right now I'm under a lot of pressure okay?"

"I get it but Leah is your best friend. You guys have been attached to the hip since the beginning of the year. Go find her. We only have 10 minutes left anyways." Pri said giving him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll talk to her during last period. We sit together so..."

"Brendan, I get why you would be annoyed with her , I know that at the moment you are having a bad month or two... but Leah is your best friend. You need to talk to her" Pri said closing the other chemistry book and putting it in her bag.  "Go apologize. Now I have to go. I have to get to the other side of school."

Brendan was left alone at the lab. He felt sick. It was a mixture of people saying they saw Leah kiss professor Ulliel, stress about studying, jealousy because deep down he knew he had a crush on Leah but he was also upset at her. Even if it was a rumor, he admired Professor Ulliel too much and something like that could really mess with his reputation.

"I'm an idiot." He murmured to himself. He was going to text his best friend but he decided it was better to wait to see her during class.


Last period arrived and rumor was that Leah had left school early which Brendan had started to believe. He hadn't seen Leah all day today.

Brendan waited and waited until the class started and there was no Leah. Her sit next to him was empty and he missed her.

-Leah, where are you?- the message never got delivered. He sent a different one and it never got delivered. Maybe bad signal? He went to check on instagram and they were still following each other.
Once class was done Brendan grabbed his stuff and hurried to the parking lot. On the way there he met up with Pri.

"Hey handsome, so my house or your house?"

"None. I'm going to Leah's house. I feel awful."

"I get it but finals are getting closer and you're behind-"

"Yes!! I know but I need to fix things. I'll text you, I'll apologize to her and then we can meet up at my place okay?"


"So tell me? Tell me what happened?!"

"Okay so... I didn't even know about this until after the party. I went home and Pri and I were on FaceTime and that's when Janoah texted her saying that people saw you getting out of Professor Ulliel's car. Apparently someone recognized it. They said they saw you two making out."

"That is ridiculous! And you believed that? Are you dumb? Do you understand how incoherent the whole situation sounds? Why would I kiss Sebastian in front of Pri's house? Or why would he even do that?"

"I know! The more I think about it the more I realized how wrong I was but why were you in his car?"

"I was walking to Pri's house and he saw me and offered a ride. That's all. I gave him a hug thanking him and that was all. Nothing inappropriate happened." I explained.

"I'm sorry please, I know you didn't deserve the way I spoke to you. I just got in my head and then I got annoyed and I got jealous and-"

"Jealous?" I asked. Brendan took a deep breath and his whole face and neck got red. "Of what?" I asked again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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