Chapter 3:The Masquerade

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Leah P.o.v:

Mom gave us her typical speech about how her job is not more important than us but responsibilities are responsibilities and blablabla, I just don't believe her anymore. Do not get me wrong. My mother is a beautiful person, and whenever she's at home she's a great mother but I have to be honest with myself... she is a free spirit.

Days went by and we all sort of got over the fact that mom is leaving us for a while... we just weren't talking about it, instead mom took me shopping for a nice dress for tonight's masquerade and to be honest I'm very excited about it!

I ended up buying a nice black dress with red on the top area... I look cute haha.

"But I thought you guys were going with us" Esteban said to our  parents who at last minute they decided to go out and eat with Eddie.

"It's a college party and we're too old for that just don't let Leah drink" Dad said, I rolled my eyes and smiled... was I going to drink? maybe.

Esteban and I left to the party.
"I'm so glad they didn't come, I was dreading it. Some of my classmates have met mom and they're always joking about how hot she is. I had to do something."

"What did you do?" I asked while on the passengers sit. Everything looked so peaceful from outside.

"You know, tell them to shut the fuck up or else."

"Ugh okay macho man." I said laughing. I do understand my brother because it's true, ever since I remember my male classmates would always go above and beyond to do assignments at my house just to see my mom.

We were about to get there, the parking lot was full and my nerves were on edge.
I knew Esteban would disappear as soon as we get there because he wouldn't stop talking about this girl named Serena who he would meet at the party "Leah if any guy tries to get touchy with you let me know and I will-"

"beat them up and feed them to Dogzilla, I know Esteban. I know" I said looking at him trying not to laugh "I swear that little dog will eat any guy that gets near you"

"I think you're the problem"

"I'm just taking care of my little sister, Leah you're very pretty AND naive. I can't let all those hormonal assholes get near you."

We arrived at the party and there were people everywhere wearing their cute masks, I put mine one and looked around "oh there's Serena" my brother said pointing at a pretty tall blonde girl wearing a long dark silver dress, she was wearing a mask but even with a mask you could tell she was stunning "I'll be back" my brother said and  I just shrug my arms and decided to walk to the closest snack bar , food is always good at this types of parties.

I kept looking around just awkwardly standing there while everyone was having fun "Hi" a tall skinny guy said  to me, he was wearing a white dress shirt, black pants and a white mask(when I say masks I mean eye masks)  "hey"

"What year are you in?" he asked, I most admit he is really cute, I thought about lying but no "I'm actually in high school, senior year but still high school"

"Oh thank God I'm not the only one" he laughed

"wait what?"

"I'm Brendan and my brother Ryan is the one who invited me, apparently a lot of first years invite their high school siblings to mingle." he explained.

"No wonder my brother invited me too. Im Leah Boyer." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He seemed surprised. "Sorry, it's a cultural thing. We always give a kiss on the cheek."

"It's okay, sorry I'm just not used it. Nice to meet you Leah, like I said I'm Brendon Sinclair."

"Are you a senior too?" I asked. He grabbed a strawberry dipped in chocolate. "I am, want some?" He asked while grabbing the strawberry getting closer to my face. "You're going to feed it to me?" I asked while laughing. He nodded.

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