Chapter 8: Monday

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During the weekend I have to admit my father was upset. He went to check on me and saw Brendan in my room.  He was sleeping next to me on the bed but we were both clothed and obviously not even touching.
My dad was extremely mad to the point that he texted mom. My mom FaceTimed me right after our guest left.

She was so mad she was red.  I promised both of them that NOTHING happened. I think they were upset about the disrespect. Which I get.

My brother also got some of it but as the elder one he was used to it.  Anyways, the rule now was that if we wanted friends over they can stay in the guest room.

Anyways it was Monday, I was done getting ready and having breakfast while talking to Xena (she had taken some days off to go visit her family). Little Eddie was making a mess as usual and dogzilla was just laying next to me.
That's when Brendan texted me he was outside. 
I was so excited for the end of the day so we could go to Mr. Ulliel and work for him. I didn't care, I just wanted to see his handsome face.

School went by fast, we hung out with some friends and then Brendan drove us to the university.

"Oh lord, aren't we going to see Lydia? Mr. Ulliel's assistant slash girlfriend?"

"Probably, she's hot, I'm excited. He's a lucky guy"Brendan said with a smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes but it was the true. That woman is an attractive one. Whatever.

"Yeah she's pretty but she was extremely rude to me."

"Maybe she senses you're drooling for HER boyfriend."

"I'm not."

"Leah, when you see that man you basically start salivating."

"Wow, that's so rude! I don't. I just admire him."

"How? You barely even know that guy?"

"Brendan, stop."

We made it to the university. We got our passes and had to wait outside of Mr. Ulliels office for what seemed like eternity but was only 10 minutes.

Lydia let's us in, mind you, she gave this warm smile to Brendan and barely acknowledged me. I do have to admit she's very pretty.

Once we went in the office, Mr.Ulliel was sitting down  typing something and looking at his desktop.

"Just one second kids." He said. My jaw dropped a little. Kids?! Brendan softly elbowed my arm with a smirk on his face.
You'll see how much of a kid I am not Sebastian- I said to myself. 

He got up wearing this nice fitted button up shirt and dress pants. I swear he looks taller every time I see him.

"Welcome Brendan and Leah. I know both of you guy's families. Plus Ryan and Esteban are great students so I'm sure their little siblings are phenomenal students. I'll be straight forward with you guys. Most of the work and learning you will happen through assisting me. Grading some test, putting things in alphabetical order, scheduling my appointments... you guys get it correct? But if you have any questions I'm always here to help."

We both nodded. "Okay perfect. You see those two desk?" - he asked. One was on the left side and the other one on the right side in front the bookshelf. 

"Pick which ever, I left a folder open for both.  I need everything in order when it comes to dates and please do it by last name , not first name. I am going to grab a coffee with Lydia.  Be back in 20. Behave."

And just like the at he left?!!!

"Did he just...-"

"Yeap" Brendan nodded sitting on his desk.

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