🔞Sex in the pool pt. 2

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ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀᴜᴅɪᴏ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʜᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴍᴏᴀɴɪɴɢ ᴩᴀʀᴛ. ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴩʜᴏɴᴇꜱ. 🔥


Seonghwa pov:

I started to take of his clothes one by one slowly while kissing not allowing him to move his hands from my neck. I licked and sucked on his sexy lip piercing while the kiss.He held onto my body like his life is in me. I pulled his shirt off and touched his hard buds. I saw him threw his head back and mouth wide open. He looked so fascinating that made me hard.

I licked a long stripe on his neck that made him grab my locks more harshly.I started sucking on his nipples before holding him tighter and collapsing into the pool. The little didn't slip out of my hands.


He looked breathtakingly sexy(sorry I don't know if the word is correct)when he got out of the pool. He ran a hand through his wet fallen hair pulling it back while throwing his head back. "Hwaa, hmm ". He moaned in my ears with his arms on my shoulders getting in the mood completely.

I didn't wait, I smashed our lips together that made the younger ram his head back and fourth. I sucked his lips harshly, passing the smell of my addicting nicotine.

He slightly grabbed my locks with his both hands making me suck into his mouth more as he opened his mouth and kept out his tongue.
That was really hot OMG🔥.

I kissed him from his sweet neck and down to his waistline making him moan. I slowly got up while gripping his boxers to ask him the permission to remove it. He nodded a yes and started to moan near my earlobe making me shiver. I ripped his boxers completely off and put up a show for the ripped boxers.

Then he started to lick my earlobe being too naughty to handle!!

" You're too naughty for me to give a punishment, You are getting a boner aren't you ". I said as I was feeling rock hard under when he took our throbbing boners and rubbed it up and down after a while he released the grip and started to move up and down, busy in rubbing. I took ahold of the tile not to lose myself.

"Ngh, Hwaaa.. I'm g-going mphh t-to c-cum "

"No baby, too early to cum"

I moved away from him after he had a big sulky pout on his face. I smashed my lip into his soft one once again and sunk into the pool deep down. He didn't seem to be afraid of drowning, instead he held onto me safely. I was happy that he had a trust on me. We rose up from the pool and I was quick to move him to the wall of the pool into his back.( sry if u don't understand 🙃).

"Bent down and spread your cheeks for me"
( if you know u know😁)

Author pov:

Hongjoong didn't have to be told twice. He bent arching his back giving seonghwa a good view of his cheeks.

"Count when I start, babyboy!"

Seonghwa gave a harsh spank on joong's cheeks before kissing it after seeing hongjoong hissing in pain. The younger tried to count one "o-one *hicc*". Seonghwa gave another slap that already made the plump cheeks reddish. After a while 13 slaps had finished that made hongjoong sweaty even after his half was in the pool.


After spanking him for 14 times. Seonghwa glanced at hongjoong to check if he was okay while the smaller had already close to passing out. "Baby, are u ok? We can stop if u are tired "

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