🔞Jealousy Railing•Woogi{S/HM}

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Request by hosh1_books

Top:Mingi bottom :wooyoung.



Wooyoung and Mingi are interns at a big company in seoul. They were colleagues until they confessed their love to each other.Wooyoung and Mingi really did had a view of a married couple, so Mingi proposed Wooyoung. Their families were cooperative enough to accept them. They bought an apartment in seoul and lived as Husbands. But they didn't quit their job, they still worked hard for themselves and their future family.

One thing that disturbed their happy life was that Mingi's possessiveness. Mingi would be all jealous and angry,(sometimes sulky too) when people interact with wooyoung by knowing that wooyoung was Mingi's.

One day they were celebrating their company's 3rd year anniversary. Ofc the employees were enjoying to their best. Mingi noticed that Wooyoung haven't giving attention to him lately. Wooyoung was mostly with Hongjoong because he got assigned to work a project together with hongjoong instead of mingi. Because hongjoong was a new employee.

They got very very close as to Mingi's jealousy level. They were very touchy with eachother.Mingi was at his last level of anger when Hongjoong held Wooyoung by his waist.Mingi became a possesive monster.

He quickly dropped his drink to the table and dragged Wooyoung out of the sight.Wooyoung didn't expect Mingi to be that harsh on him.
Wooyoung tried to remove Mingi's grip on his wrist but Wooyoung wasn't strong enough."Mingi,stop!!where are w-".Mingi looked back to listen to Wooyoung but he saw Hongjoong and Wooyoung's words was cut off by a Mingi who is yelling at Hongjoong.
"Don't follow us you fucking bitch!!He is mine".
Mingi said shouting that made Wooyoung shy at the last sentence 😚.

He again gripped on Wooyoung as Hongjoong stood still ,not moving an inch.Mingi got them into a empty store room and locked the room.The room wasn't very big but the walls were soundproof.(uk🌝).Mingi was very confident because each and every person of the company is gathered together in the public room.

Mingi pinned Wooyoung on the wall and stared at him sulkingly.Wooyoung's arms were on Mingi's shoulders.They were feeling tense as the air between their faces were thin.
They closed the gap between them.Their lips melted into the kiss.Wooyoung slowly opened his mouth to give access to Mingi's tongue to enter.

Mingi started pressing Wooyoung's waist tighter.pushing his hands inside Wooyoung's shirt and rubbing up and down.Wooyoung moaned into the kiss at the weird sensation .
Mingi lifted Wooyoung up and started to kiss harshly at Wooyoung's neck,not forgetting to leave marks. Wooyoung tugged on Mingi's hair. Mingi again captured Wooyoung's plumpy lips as a chance to enter his tongue in. Wooyoung constantly sucked on Mingi's tongue. Mingi loved Wooyoung's smooth supple skin.

Mingi didn't wait no more, he undressed wooyoung and himself all naked. Mingi bit marks on Wooyoung's thighs. They were still standing and Mingi picked Wooyoung up by his legs. Wooyoung's back was against the wall and his legs were fully on Mingi's shoulders. Such a nasty position😅.

Mingi moaned into Wooyoung's lips when Wooyoung inserted his tongue into Mingi's mouth, exploring every wall of mingi.

"Are you stretched, slut?".Mingi asked.

"Yes, sir..". Wooyoung replied as Mingi looked at him with a raised eyebrow. (I guess my english is terrible lol😅").

"How?, did he fuck you!". Mingi asked with a smirk.

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