🔞Yeogi•Sex in the pool🔥

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Read at your own risk buddies!!

No proof read!!!!!

When Yeosang and Mingi finds themselves having sex in the pool.


"Oh come on babe, it's safe to get down on the pool". Mingi asked who was already in the pool naked.

"No, I'm not doing it!". Yeosang shouted as mingi tickled his sides and yeosang started giggling as he tried ro push his lover.

"If you don't get down in here with me, I will...". Mingi said staring deep into yeosang's soul, making him turn on a bit..

"You will what?". Yeosang asked while keeping the eye contact.

"I will fuck you in this pool until you can't walk for a week". Mingi whispered into yeosang's ear. Yeosang closed his eyes and threw his head back when he felt mingi brushing his earlobes using his thumb.

"Shit! Just fuck me already ". Yeosang mumbled as he jumped himself into the pool with mingi hugging him.

Their lips smashed into a heated kiss. They moved their heads in a rhythm while rubbing their crotches together.
Mingi brushed his tongue against yeosang's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Yeosang gladly opened his mouth and took Mingi's tongue in his.
They sucked off eachothers tongue hungrily. Yeosang wrapped his arms and legs around mingi.yeosang was already stripped naked by mingi.he pulled yeosang's hair as he sucked yeosang's lips and tongue. Yeosang moaned into the kiss as he felt Mingi's thumb brushing his nipples.

Mingi knew yeosang's sensitive points very well so somehow yeosang will be filled with what he wants during the intimate moments with mingi.

Yeosang gasped when Mingi smacked his ass after he started brushing his hole. Mingi moved and made yeosang sit out of the pool again. Yeosang worried at the action.

"Babyy, why did you stop". Yeosang asked in content.

"Who said?". Mingi asked as he stared deep into yeosang's soul. Yeosang moaned when he felt a hand stroking his erection. Mingi kept stroking faster as yeosang was about to release soon...

"Daddy, I'm gonna cum *Aah-ngh*.
Yeosang said as he threw his head back and moaned.. But he felt his tip covered by mingi.

"Too early to cum baby". Mingi said as he pressed the tip of yeosang's member, not letting him cum.

"Why Daddy *Mmph-ngh*". Yeosang asked pouting as mingi fastened his stroking using his free hand. Yeosang moaned in the tension of not being able to cum.

"You have to be left dry for teasing daddy ". Mingi said as he smirked.


Yeosang pouted at the statement.

"Mmph- p-please i c-can't daddy! Aah". Yeosang stuttered as he was left having a dry orgasm. He had the urge to release everything but he should obey his man. Or else.... (Nothing to say).

Mingi realised that yeosang didn't like dry orgasms while sex but mingi wanted to be pleased by his lover..

"Louder slut*. Mingi demanded as yeosang moaned his name louder.
"Ngh-h m-mingii ahhh". Tears filled his eyes as mingi took his erection all the way in to his throat."Ahh,dad-dyyy"
Yeosang was a moaning mess now.. He wanted to cum so badly. Yeosang pulled Mingi's hair as he moved his head faster. Mingi gave the best blowjobs to yeosang.He hollowed his cheeks as he sent yeosang to see stars..

"Mingi, I-I'm g-gonna cum". Yeosang said out of the simulation. Mingi abruptly pulled back as yeosang was about to cum.

"Don't tease!". Yeosang mumbled as he hit Mingi's chest.

"What's my name babyboy? ". Mingi asked as he smacked yeosang's ass.

"Daddyyyy". Yeosang sang as he closed his eyes. Tears had already filled his eyes out of the pleasure he recieved.

"Who's a good slut?'.

"Mee daddyyy".

Mingi was getting rock hard down and yeosang gave a look to it.yeosang slowly got in to the pool and wrapped his all fours on Mingi's body. They again connected their lips for a heated kiss. Mingi traced marks down from his neck to thighs. Yeosang gasped when he felt mingi licking and biting his nipples. Yeosang's most sensitive part was his nipples and mingi knows..

"Daddy fuck me please". Yeosang said between the kisses as their forheads met while panting heavily.

Mingi didn't had to be told twice. He leaned yeosang on the slabs and stuck two fingers in to his mouth. Yeosang sucked on it relentlessly. Yeosang was so turned on by Mingi's actions. Mingi removed his fingers and pushed it into yeosang's clenching hole. He added a third finger as yeosang wasn't tight anymore.

"Fucking,put it in" Yeosang said as he was trying to stroke Mingi's member. Yeosang took their erections and rubbed them together, earning moans from mingi."hmm slut is eager isn't he?"

Mingi aligned his cock in yeosang's hole before he pushing them all the way. Yeosang screamed in pleasure as he gripped on Mingi's chest. Mingi let yeosang to adjust in the feeling before seeing yeosang pushing down to his member. Mingi took a hold of yeosang's waist as he started thrusting harder.mingi pulled out and pushed all the way in and moaned when he felt yeosang clenching around his dick.

The area was a moaning mess. Their lips would connect for mouthful kisses. Mingi immediately abused yeosang's prostate again and again. He felt yeosang squirming in his cock.

"D-daddyy -faste-rr n h-harder please". Yeosang said between his moans and mingi was all ears. Mingi fucked in to him faster and deeper. Yeosang was all loud again and well as mingi too.

"You are taking me so well, i just love how your cock bounce when I fuck you harder". Yeosang nodded at it as they smirked.

"Daddy I-I'm cumming aahh please don't s-stopp". Yeosang begged.

"Wait for me babyboy, I'm close too". Yeosang only nodded.

Few more thrusts and shot his load on the tile and not the pool. Mingi had also came inside yeosang as he watched the white substance leaking out of his tiny hole. They rode their highs and kissed for last...


Helloo it's been long... I wanted to write more but and I didn't know what to do..

Btw the new chapter of "Feels" is out please make sure to read. Don't be a silent reader my loves❤️....

Requested by @Chaniya283

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