4. Waiting

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She is a fucking Princess, I saw her wrapped in that white saree which I actually bought for her

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She is a fucking Princess, I saw her wrapped in that white saree which I actually bought for her. The moment I saw that saree, I thought of her.

I knew she'll look pretty in it, but she looks even better than what I had expected.

"Divyam..." I heard my name and quickly gave a nod.

"Yeah?" I spoke coming out of my thoughts.

"Can we go home now? I am tired and also I cannot stand anymore, my ankle hurts" She complained.

I signalled Reet and Taran that I want to have a conversation with them.

"Kya hua?" Reet asked.

"Just check her ankle once" I said.

"It's swelling more, take a seat Tanvi or it will take longer to cure" Reet was seriously concerned.

I carried Tanvi towards a table and asked her if she wanted to eat something.

"Kuch nahi khaana, just take me home" Her face was red by now.

"Reet, I need an appointment for tomorrow" I said and soon left for home.

I had to carry her all the way as she was sobbing badly.

"Should I get an ice pack?" I asked.


I held the ice pack over her swollen ankle and tried to soothe her pain.

She was trying to remove her jewellery, I could see the discomfort on her face. So I helped her and as I was about to move away, I felt a tug on my sleeve.

The pallu of her saree was stuck with my watch.

She swiftly removed it and I changed into some casuals.

"You want to change?" I asked.

"No, it's fine" She said and tried to sleep.



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