24. Rude

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"Say Hi to Nevan" I said as Evara shook her head in a No.

"He's rude" She said with a pout.

"Heyy! I am not rude" Nevan defended.

He has grown up a lot now.

"Eeva, let's play Lego, Nevan Bhaisa ko chhoro" Vedarth, Nevan's younger brother said. He is a year younger than Evara!

"Yes" Eva squealed and ran away with her bestfriend.

"I still want a daughter" Veer said making us chuckle but Claire sulked.

"I am not a baby making machine" She said hitting his arm.

"And I am not Rude" Nevan added with a grunt.

"You are Neev" Veer said with a laugh which caused Nevan to roll his eyes.

His words are too sharp sometimes, I agree but he isn't rude.

"No! Nevan is not Rude, he is a sweet guy" I said and Nevan gave me a hug.

"Thanks for being on my side Tanu Aunty" He said giving me a cheek kiss.


"Tanvi, you should rest" I heard Divyam.

Yeah, he thinks that if it's my delivery week then I should probably lay on the bed all day.

"No, I am tired of taking rest all day" I said grunting.

I whined and suddenly the water was leaking through me.

Oww....We are getting the baby TODAY!

My gaze met with Divyam and both of us gasped together.

"AMAN GAADI NIKAL" He screamed startling everyone.

"Mai phirse Chacha banne wala hu" Aman said dramatically.

"Drame band kar aur gaadi nikaal yaar" I said as he ran out, Gadha!

We drove to the hospital, Div was next to me the whole time.


"It's a Boy" The nurse said handing me my baby.

Even his eyes were the same as his father but thankfully his face resembles mine.

"I wanted a girl" Div sulked but nonetheless kissed the baby's forehead.

"You cannot be correct all the time" I replied playfully and pecked him.

"I love you" He said making me smile, it hits the same spot even after so many years.

"I love you more"

A little cry was heard and I chuckled at the baby's little attempts at pushing my husband.

"Why is he trying to push me? He is just a few minutes old and already wants your attention" Divyam said sulking.

"It's a baby, it needs the mother most" I explained.

"What should we name him?" He asked and I smiled as I already had a name in my mind.

"Avyan Divyam Mehra"

"Sounds perfect" He said and walked out with the boy in his arms.


"Why was Mumma crying?" Evara asked with tears.

"She is fine baby" Claire said but still Evara kept crying.

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