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"Sir...Sir what are your thoughts on Nevan Singh Rajawat getting crowned as the King?" The reporters asked and I somehow managed to ignore them and get inside the Gates of the old palace.

Nevan is getting Crowned here,

People used to say that the palace is haunted but Veer said that's a lie and we all trust him.

"Papa, you are so late" Evara said pulling me with her.

Yeah, they all reached early to ignore paps and I got late which was why I was stopped by them.

"You hit him so hard Evi, his eye still looks swollen" I said.

"What's a king without an injury dad? I just helped" She said in her sassy tone and went to meet some kids of her age.

She might look like me but her habits and attitude are totally a replica of Tanvi, she is four steps ahead of her mom and I am not complaining.

She's the girl that can make people beg without any intention.

I saw that my daughter tried to handle the saree, it's difficult but she is trying.

She lost her balance and I was about to rush but someone else already held her, Nevan...They both glared at eachother but I saw something that was hidden behind those glares, the passion to hurt eachother like no one could.

"I am scared, they look like they'd kill eachother" Tanvi muttered next to me.

"And I am scared he might fall for her" I said making her gasp.

"That's not possible" Tanvi said eyeing me dangerously.

I looked at her intently.

"I used to look at you the same way" I muttered and her eyes widened.

She looked at them and her face changed, she understood what I meant.

In the other corner.

"They look good together" Nevan's Grandma, Kaushalya Devi said looking at Claire.

"Ma, they are not even friends" Claire said chuckling.

"That doesn't matter Beta, what matters is the longing in their eyes" She said and now Claire was also tensed.

"If that happens, it will be with the best decision or the biggest destruction" Claire muttered.


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