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"Divyam, it's already a week past my due date" I whined.

"Don't worry baby, the baby is fine" He said caressing my tummy.

I just hummed and walked towards the washroom, I feel too heavy now.

It's hard to walk and even sit at times.

"Ouch" I felt a kick and now the kicks have become more hurtful.

Suddenly the movements increased and I felt a bit of water dripping down my legs.


"DIV!" I called out and he was quick to run inside the washroom.

"What is it?" He always has an instinct.

"My water broke" I said with a huge smile and his face turned pale.

"SHIT! AMANNNNN" He screamed and carefully walked me out.

"Ha bhai" Aman was huffing for air.

"Gaadi nikaal!" Divyam shouted and I smacked his head.

"Pyaar se bolo"

"Amnu mere bacche, gaddi kadle jaldi" He said in an extra sweet tone.

We walked towards the car and Divyam sped up like he never did.

"Rash drive mat karo" I squealed in pain.

"Sorry sorry"

We reached and I was immediately taken into the OT. This pain will kill me for sure, it's worse than any gunshot.

"Div....DIVYAMMMMM!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Aaya baby, I am here" He said rushing inside.

He had worn a cap and mask as per the OT rules.

"Mrs. Mehra, you have already dilated enough. Push on the count of three!" The doctor instructed and I tried my best but it didn't work.

"Can't we let it stay in????" I cried out of pain.

"Ofcourse not baby" Divyam said in a quiet voice.

I looked at him, he had tears in his own eyes as he tried to smile at me.

I tried hard to push and after an hour of continuous screams, I heard a little cry.

"It's a Girl" The nurse said as she cut the umbilical cord.

I broke into sobs of happiness as well as pain.

"You did it baby" He said giving me a forehead kiss.

The nurse placed our little sweetheart on my chest and she was crying badly.

"How are you Miss. Evara Divyam Mehra?" I asked as my husband chuckled even while crying.

"She's so tiny" He muttered caressing my hand.

"I love you" I said giving him a kiss on the lips.

Just then another cry echoed from her.

"We need to run some tests on her" The nurse said but I wanted my baby to look at her Papa first.

"Hold her baby" I said but he gave me a look.

"Hold her! She is your daughter" I repeated.

"She'll fall down off my grip, she's too tiny" He said.

"She won't, hold her please. I want you to be the first person she looks at" I said and he finally gave a nod.

He took her very carefully and smiled looking at her face.

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