9. Flirt

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The next two days she ignored me like I don't even exist but I didn't argue as I knew she might be facing mood swings and anger issues.

I just woke up and saw that she left for her office, she is strictly not allowed to go to work. That woman was low on blood just two days ago.

"When did she go?" I asked Mom while picking up the car keys.

"7 am" Maa replied, even she looks stressed.

"Divyam...Atleast take a shower" Nani said but I didn't wait.

I rushed to her company and went directly to her office. I saw Mohit walking in holding a cup of tea.

"Mohit, give it to me" First he was shocked, then he gave a nod but hesitated to hand me the cup.

"She's my wife" I reminded and he quickly handed me the cup.

I walked in and saw her talking to Kamya.
Their eyes fell on me and Kamya quickly left after muttering an 'all the best' to her friend.

"I swear I am good" She said.

"Finish your work and we'll go back home together" I said while handing her the Cup.

"Let me work!" She whined.

I tried to pull her closer but she protested and I cannot force her, even though she's my wife.

"Just 2-3 days, then you're free to go wherever you wish" I said but she didn't reply to anything.

"Please baby, try to understand. You aren't weak but you're not strong either..." I tried to explain and finally she gave a nod.

"I'll be back by lunchtime" She said.

"I am not going back without you" I said earning a glare.

"You are still in your nightwear and don't stay this close to me, you know...I need to RECOVER" It's all because I didn't let her kiss me that night...Damn!

I stayed there however she didn't want me to.

We drove back home and I saw her hugging Mom. I am not allowed to hold her hand but everyone else is allowed to touch her...

"Muh kyu fula rakha hai iss khhote ne?" Nani asked.

"Kisne?" Maa asked and Nani signalled towards me.

"Apni Bahu se pucho" I said and went back to the room, I don't like when she ignores me.

"Lunch?" She asked peeking into the room.

"I don't want!" I said while looking down at my phone.

She went back and didn't return, I waited for an hour and then walked down.

"Maa...Lunch" I said and walked into the kitchen.

Maa followed in and looked at me with confusion.

"Did you both have an argument?" She asked.

"I am not in the mood" I said and was about to have a bite when suddenly Nani said.

"She didn't have her lunch yet"

I looked at Maa and earned a nod.

"Where's she?" I asked and both the ladies pointed towards Aman's room.

Aman was studying at his desk and she was sleeping in his bed.

"Did you both have an argument?" He asked and I gave a nod.

"That's why she was swearing at me for being your brother" He muttered and I just focused on my wife.

"Get out!" I said but he didn't leave.

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