16. Flashback

406 24 15


I am 3 months pregnant now and thankfully my arm is better than before, I can move it and do my basic chores. But my husband is being a protective man and is not letting me take a bath myself, it has 2 advantages for him. Shameless man....

"Tanvi....You know I want a girl right?" He asked as he entered the room huffing for air.

"Yeah baby"

"That fucker Ricky is saying that it'll be a boy" His face showed disappointment.

"Look! It's on god, if it's a boy then we won't love him any less" I said cupping his face.

"Ofcourse we'll love the baby, but I want a girl first. We can have a boy next" He said and I chuckled.

"Already planning for the second baby Mister? Atleast think about me"

He leaned closer and gave me a lingering kiss.

"Well...My thoughts about you are making it difficult for me to control" He said with a smirk.

"Why are you controlling?" I questioned kissing his nose.

A hand wrapped around my waist and soon I was pulled in his lap.

"Your injury and also your condition, I read that the first 3 months of pregnancy are critical so I am controlling myself. As soon as we step into the fourth month, I'll show you how happy I am" He has started smiling often and I just wish that it stays forever.

"Thank you for the support, I love you so much" I said and pulled him for a kiss which could've turned into a makeout session but my husband won't let that happen, my hormones are going crazy.

"I need a release baby, please" We haven't done anything more than the kisses in the past 76 days and yes I counted.

He just bathed me and would tease me but never went further kissing.

"Tanvi, please understand" He muttered lowly.

"You can use your fingers, that might be safe" I said. A woman has needs and her man is responsible to fulfill them.

He was about to get up.

"Ok then, I can always get my toys into use" I taunted earning a glare.

"You won't" His gaze was sharp.

Hah...Knew it!

"Get out! I am going to need some PRIVACY" I said cheekily.

I know the trigger points perfectly, I heard the click of the lock and then he walked closer to me.

"Lay back"

I smiled and obeyed like the good wife I am.

He removed his shirt and next his pants, he is going to become a father but still manages to look so hot. Wowwwww!

"No eye fucking baby" He smirked and pulled away my pants.

"You cannot stop me, I own you" I said giving him a flying kiss.

"Unhmmm....I like this side better" He pulled me closer and removed my tshirt.

His gaze reached my breasts, they are a little more plumper and heavy than before.

Next went my bra and panties, he sucked on my breasts and left a few hickeys as well. His face lowered towards my lower belly which was just a little swollen by now, he gave me a kiss there and finally he started sucking me down. FUCKING FINALLY!


I drove towards the company, I am working from home but have to visit the company sometimes for meetings.

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