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*Namika's POV*

'she's a living bless for me' that's the only thing roaming in my mind from the moment I closed my eyes to sleep......
Sleep you sh!tty brain or heart idk

'little bug' like even if he like me he can call me from more better nicknames....Huh...!?Why he'll like me It's not possible he's going to be with that girl.....
Bug...? Am I that ugly.....?

"Ahhhhhhhhh shut up" I scream out my lungs to calm down and it works..... We are in hotel where his family and ours are till marriage so my voice wil not go out......

Suddenly I heard several knocks in my door..... Did I shouted so loud....? But sound can't travel out I know........

I looked at myself I was a little mess so I fix it and it's 11pm who's there.......? I went and open the door.....

"Ahhhh? Who..?"

It's a person in black night suit his face was not visible and his hair all over his face......

He came near and placed his chin in my crook of neck

"I missed you bug" he was not breathing normally he was only inhaling in my neck and not exhale i..Is he smelling me.....? Finally he exhaled and his hands snaked above my hip..... But I maintained a distance our fronts were not touching...... He pecked on my skin


"You.. I...We.." Is he drunk....? Or having disorders in walking in sleep...? his voice was so hoarse and sleepy he can't control himself as well..... He cupped my side neck from right hand and other on my waist.... he kissed on my forehead........

what's that..? I felt someone poke in stomach from inside my body or it felt like something dropping inside....... I touched my
Belly and then I remember oh it's butterfly.... Yea I forgot... Huh....!? Ahhhh butterflies because of him....? I pushed him and now he was outside of the room as he hugged me on door itself........ His face was looking like a child whose candy got snatched... A little like a veryyy slight pout cute...!

'Namika you can't get trapped again'
My brain said and I closed the door in his face and went to sleep but that's the only thing I can't get..... I took the sleeping pills as they are necessary item I always take that with me..... But in rare case I have to take this so left that and used music....

then I fall asleep.......

"Bug...?" Someone hugged me from behind I was in bed only and I hummed......

"I hate when you don't talk much your voice is just like Honey Smooth... Sweet..." He whispered near my ears and pulled me fastly in his chest.. that's hard!!

"You wanna hear me more....?" I said placing my head peacefully in his arm..... I felt secured for the first time...... But in no time he flipped me and looked at my eyes..... That brown eyes they're not drowning me they're giving me life the way he looks at me that's not an illusion that's a life... A life where only love exist....

He snuggle his face on my neck and hummed gosh!!! This sound that's turning literally my beast on..... I caressed his hairs...

"I'll try to talk more okay...?" I said while kissing his head......

He flinched and jerked his head up and looked at me...

"Did you just kissed my head.....?"
He was hella shocked and I was enjoying it.... He really likes me..?

"Yes.... can't I......?" I just wanna know more what he think.....

"You Don't have any idea what you did namika" he again snuggle his face and this time more deep and hugged me very tight that my breast were crushed under her chest.... I'll take revenge of it after marriage.....

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