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*vansh's pov*

I saw her and her words from last night.. yea I heard... After making her mood worst how can I sleep....? Her every word was a knife to me... She surrendered herself and I....? Didn't even gave her permission to touch and to touch me..? who dies for her touch.... What a great bastard...A motherfucker... A person who can't even please his wife...

I took her in arms as it's only 4 in the morning.... Kissed my lady's face several times...

"I won't restrict you from anything from now, little bug"

I caressed her hair and now my sleep will get fulfilled.... I looked at her stains of tears...

"I made you cry right..? I promise today will be your best day..." I kissed her forehead again.... And looking at her lips the scene of yesterday's night was in my mind and giving a tickling feel to my body.... Her lips on my nipple..? seriously my nipple..? She loves that..? I didn't knew that our men's nipple can be used in intimate moments as well, but as I felt the sensation yes it is sensual.... She sucked it so perfectly that I can't even suck her's with that desire....

All I made this hard, strong and large buddy for this moment only, but never knew that not only chest but nipples can affect her as well.... If she wants it then it's reserved for her, she can squeeze it, eat it, caress it, but in return I'll give her 2× in her breast and that is how thinking and grinning as idiot I fell asleep...


"Vansh...." She said and I saw fresh moist in her eyes which she had wiped before waking me up.... I made her this much hurt...?

"Good morning, biwi ji" I kissed her forehead...

"Leave me..." She said struggling under me, I don't know when from placing her head to my chest I went to placing my head on her breast.... and she was totally pissed under me....

"I'm sorry na, please bab-" she glared at my soul and started her words...

"You told me not to touch you than why you're doing chutiyapa" a chuckle left and a tapli {soft slap on head} gained by her...

"Abusing your man..? Well you can तुम्हे हक है....." {You have rights}

"हक..? वो तोह हमे आपको छूने तक का नहीं है, जनाब.."

{right..? That I'm not having even to touch you, mister} that's another knife in my heart it hurts...

" हक तोह आपको हमे मार भी देने का है, शाहिबा, जान मांग कर तोह देखिए.."

{You're having right to kill me, miss, just ask for my life} this time it's translator...

She ignored but her pink shade of cheeks were telling that she's melting but it'll take time....

"Namika, I'm sorry just look at your husband, I don't know what happened to me but I was scared, I didn't wanted to hurt you...{a tear flow from her eyes}...namika Nooo!! Please na you're killing me by that" I can't tolerate that anymore.... I wiped her tear and went towards her feet... My goddess's feet....

"I... I.. am sorry, I won't stop you from doing anything from now on please namika, you can do whatever you want with me, with my body, with my chest, with my nipple, with my waist, with my dick, my whole body is yours, baby, but please don't let your tear fall, bug"

a tear of mine unwillingly fall in her toe... She flinched, sat immediately and took my face in her soft hands.... I dissolved in her touch which results my eyes shuts and lean my left cheek on her palm....

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