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*Namika's POV*

It's wedding day yesterday was a good one I did a little dance in room where no one except me and my two favorite sisters were dancing a little... In ceremony I didn't danced.....

I looked at my hand they said I should write my husband's name but I refused.... I don't want to write if he's not mine... I was in my thoughts and bell rang.... I went to open....

"Good morning bhabhi" the boy who bumped me is here...

"Yes....?" He grabbed my shoulder and took me in couch with breakfast in servants hand...

"You don't know me right....?" I shook my head...

"Okay I'm real younger brother of vansh bhaiya and your one and only devar.." he had very jolly nature.. he's giving me vibe of a garden where all the flower and birds are always happy.... I smiled for him it's a little real....

"Oh my god bhabhi vansh bhai is damn Lucky just look at your smile anyone will die for it and he got you without any difficulty" he pouted like a child.... His face was like vansh not completely but nose were same.... I pulled his nose...

"Ouch" he rubbed that....

"You can also get a girl but be careful just choose a good one okay...?"

"Okay bhabhi jaan" laughed and gave me breakfast ... It was aloo paratha and aloo mattar's sabji...

"Thankyou devar ji"

We did a lot chitchat and he told that yesterday it was vansh who was glaring from behind because of jealousy.... Means really jealous from his brother..? Like he will went to another girl and if someone is good with me he'll forbid him and devarji was not like vansh who'll go to lots of girls at a same time.....

"No... Even if vansh will be mad at you don't be afraid okay..? you can talk to me whenever you want... He's my husband but he can't force me to anything so don't worry"

"For real bhabhi....? You're not afraid of bhai...?"

"Never I'll.... don't worry"

"Okay bhabhi you're so sweet.... I came because I thought of talking you first and last time" I furrowed

"Last time..?"

"Vansh bhai didn't told you that me , mumma and dad lives in Australia?"

"Yeah I know mom{her mother-in-law} told me but last time..?"

"So we'll leave after your wedding... our flight is on 9 AM tomorrow" with his baby voice and iconic pout he said.....

"But you all should wait for post marriage rituals... Is there any urgent work..?" I asked showing him sympathy by rubbing his shoulders.....

"Dad and I have to go to a bussiness trip to Canada so we're taking mom as well"

"Okay if it's urgent then I'll not force you.."

"Bhabhi you literally give me a sister vibe"

"You too deverji... Wait what's my little brother's Name?"

"Ahh I forgot how dumb i am... It's Naman..." The moment I heard this name my eyes didn't supported me the tears which I used to kept inside my heart broke the restrictions and flows like river......

"Bh-abhi...? What's wrong did I hurt you...?" He wiped my tears and I hugged him....

"M-my elder brot-her was nam-an as well" he rubbed my back and caressed my hair in an appropriate manner like a brother.....

"H-he is no more like my parents" he cupped my cheeks and made me look at him...

"I'm naman as well and you told me that I'm your brother right...? Yes I'm not elder but I'll protect you, love you, tease you like your own brother don't worry" he laughed to make me laugh and it worked...

"Bhabhi... Whatever you had lost will come to you and with double love and care.... In place of your parents you got mumma and papa and in place of your brother you got a handsome dever + brother.." I was still upset so he again hugged me

"I know we can't take place of what you lost but we can make you feel better and take vansh bhai as your extra gift" he laughed but my mind told something else...

'he's in place of the love I lost"

This statement gave me warmth but next one again brought me in reality....

'but... This love also aren't yours'
I pulled back and wiped my tears atleast I got my family.....

"Namika what happen baby aren't you happy...? Did vansh told you something..? Are you forced or not ready...? Di-" vansh's mom means mine now she entered and saw me wiping tears she started to caress my hair and asked in one take...

"Mom... Calm down it was about my parents.. I'm happy to get a family like you"

"Okay... Don't worry we're here for you okay...?" She said uplifting my chin

"Yes we're bhabhi" he grabbed my shoulders lightly...

"Woah family time.....?" Dad {his dad} entered

"Ji papa you also come" I said and spread my hands for him... He's like my real father he connected with me in no time....

He came like more jumping and we did a family big hug... What if I'll not get love from him I got love from his family......


Okay it's a short part and a family moment that was also necessary to know his surrounding after marriage and all so it's a short and sweet family one and what naman told is true and a thing as well that what we had lost will come with double love we had put before just trust the plan of your god.....

Thanks for 300+ views

And if you missed vansh then yes I did as well so just listen

{Tu hi hai song from vansh's perspective}

{Mitwa from namika's perspective}

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