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I need a little more love in this chapter coz I'm writing it with left hand and and and with my injured right hand I'm completing my assignment...😭😭😭


It's 6:30 PM and the makeup artist did her work very well.. I slept all day so I was looking like a pig but they suppressed it with makeup....

"Namika darling... You're looking like a princess" maya masi told and gave a flying kiss... I chuckled and gave her back a flying kiss... She made a connection with me like my real masi...

"Vansh sir is calling you for function" A maid came and told me I nodded and maya masi told me important things to do in the function.....

I went out of the room their were rows and lines of maids & servants both side till down stairs.... Impressive....

I step down on first stair I flinched as the petals of flowers started to rain on me.... It was a beautiful moment but my hair and dress have petals stuck on it... It's okay the feeling is beyond words.. even if this is only to show the world atleast he did something...

'Didn't he showed this love without people..?' my heart asked... I shook the thought

I climb down peacefully till last stair then workers stopped me.... I looked at them and then behind them where is he..? Why I feel like wanting him by my side..?

The moment I thought he was in front of me looking at me like a lost man who found his belonging... His eyes gleamed with indescribable thing which I can read but what's benifit it's all fake at last... Tonight he'll take my V-Card and he'll go to her idk girls...

"Umesh bring the thaal" he ordered a thaal he is hungry..?
he want to eat..? That boy came with a aarti thaal... H-he don't need to do this already he made me his goddess in everyone's eyes.....

He took the thaal and light up the diya in it.... Put a tika and was starting to move the thaal circularly but I grabbed his hand what he's doing....? It Isn't necessary to show.... I shook my head to stop him but he wanted to get popularity in media I guessed..

"Please..." His eyes the way he glance something that's not ordinary but they're tricks to get what he want...okay let him achieve what he want.... I left his hand as he requested..

*Author's POV*

Vansh felt overwhelmed how she agreed for this small gesture... He feels so blessed after worshiping her in different manners... But he don't know what she's having in her mind...

They went to the center... he helped him in removing petals and the the function started... they're now where the decoration and places for both of them were arranged... They both took blessings of every relative whom ever is coming to them and the function end with dance and at last a cake cutting...


They both were now free from the function , every guest went back even bhav went to his house now they both are in the room while some maids were helping namika to untie her hair and to remove makeup..

"Thankyou now y'all can rest" Namika said to her new friends whom are her maids....

"Enjoy the first night Namika" sunidhi a maid told her and other two giggled and left....

'enjoy my ass' she thought looking at the mirror and went to the closet to wear the night gown... She came back and he was checking the pending critical cases laying on the bed while back resting on the head board... He heard the sounds of bangles and looked up in her direction..

"Aren't we going to do that...?" She asked looking at him... He choked on air as he never expected her to ask something like this... He drank the water and looked at her in disbelief...

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