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*Vansh's POV*

Ahh this emergencies are too sudden and unpredictable I was going to sit in my car but a emergency case came and it's critical that only I can handle it so I have to sacrifice the time with my wife... It's 7 pm I think I should now take the leave...

"Mention my exit time, I'm going" I said to receptionist more like a recorder who writes the timing and everything of doctors...

I went towards home... I stopped on the car for red light... I turned my phone on... There was a message from maya aunty... I open it I only have number of her among all she's with me from her late 20s when I was 10-11 year olds I am like his own son that's why I told her to be namika's personal one... {now don't start calculating of Maya's age please 😭}

"Vansh beta, Namika is missing" I read the message with less concentration coz I was looking at the ballons on the street small shop and put phone side but as my attention went to the message of her name she mentioned her name.... I looked again and my heart skipped whole algorithm....

For the first time I broke the rules and cross the gate and delle in overspeed as well I don't care about fines I can throw money in their faces but I can't bear her absence.....

I placed the car in the parking area and ran towards the hall....

"Maya aunty" I screamed she came from downstairs

"Namika... Where she is..? From when she's missing" I was screaming while roaming all over first floor my eyes just want to see the glimpses of my woman... Bug...... Where you gone...?

"I don't know after checking the fridge you said she was not in good mood" my heart clenched did she not like icecreams..? Did she left the house because of me...? I have to control my mind... And proceed on finding her....

"And Aunty you're telling me now..?" I said climbing the stairs went direct to our room the whole room was mess... She is not in a state to be outside of house.... It's scary to think the results...

"Bug...? Where are you?" I sat on my knees in our room smelling the aroma of her presence still when she's not here... I can feel her still she went away from me... I tried my best to give her all comfort but I failed.... Yet it's not over I know she will think about it one day... Even she'll give me 1 percent affection I'll be overwhelmed.

I covered my face with my palm, rubbed it and stood now I have find to her....

"Reena..? Namika is with you guys..?" Yea I called and asked her I hope the answer is positive...

"Jiju... Di isn't with you..? Di is missing....?" She started panicking I have to take over the situation...

"No... No... Actually she went to market and she didn't came back till now so" I said and hoping 100 % that reena will be convinced...

"Means hundred and ten percent she's missin- wait call her guards they can help you" she said and I got the idea too but numbers...?

"Numbers..? I don't hav-" I know it's not but i was searching in the contact list...

"9189××××××" she told me as soon as I got the number I thanked her and called them I don't know who's behind this number..

"Hello..." A man told from other side I think it's raghav...


"Yes sir... All okay...? Anamika is okay..?" He said and I got my answer without knowing...

"Bring all the guards she have.. she's not in the house"...

"That means she's missing sir how-"

"Just gather all of them and come here as fast as possible" I said and he hummed and I cut the call....


This is the shortest chapter and there are some issues in my house so I'm unable to write these for 15 days atleast till april....

I'm sorry but please wait for me from April 1st or 2nd I'll update in both instagram and wattpad..... Have a nice days ahead and please please please don't forget this story and book it's just paused for sometime not end....

~by Darkglorywrites 🌼💗

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