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Long ass chapter, spilt it in two/three parts and read or else y'all will get bored....

*6 months later*

*Vansh's POV*

It's been 6 months I am trying to get in her heart... I know she hated me and that's what clench my heart... Whenever I wanted I got love even if it's materialist or for the other person's personal interest.. they gave me love for my money or body... But she's the girl {I chuckled} who hates me... I was driving back to home.. it's 9 PM...

She don't love me but now we talk like a husband and wife but again without love in our conversations... damn eager for going home always coz I share my cases with her that the patient sometimes talk with me arrogantly and what kind of surgery I do... in reciprocal she suggest me sections and articles I should put if someone talk with me too harshly.... Than she tells me her cases but not too openly, she shares one or sometimes two... Still she don't feel like sharing talks with me....

Although we don't touch each other and sleep in another bed, I already fvcked her from my eyes, her curves are blessings, but now I think I have to be her husband like this only.... Without touches and talks without emotions... I don't complain thought she is suffering till now, I can tolerate a little....

"I'm home" I said entering the house she always comes to me not in excited or chirping mood but she comes to take my Statoscope and belongings.... But today she wasn'-----

"Urghhhhh leave, I hate everyone" I heard a scream that's my wife's... Sh!t is she remembering her past no.. no.. no...fvcking sh!tttt !!!!!!

I went towards our room and their was crowd of our maids and servants... Maya ji continuously calling her out...

"Namika should I call Vansh" she was asking in high pitch

"I don't need anyone I hate him, I hate myself too"

Maya ji was panting, she sat on ground still knocking heavily....We heard a sound of breaking something all gasp but I can't see my bug in this state even if she's hurt me or kill me out of her pain and anger I'll make her understand...

I went towards door, first I have to make her understand by words,Vansh use your brain.....

"Bug, are you okay..?" I questioned in a soothing voice...

"Leave me, I hate everyone's presence, I hate touches, I hate myself, I am disgrace for everything" shhhitttt!! That's the worst condition if she blame herself, she can hurt herself, what if she already did..? I have to open the door...

"Bring the master keys". I ordered..

"But you had the master keys in your room sir" fvck!!! Think something damnit!!!! I walked just behind out of our house with servants... In garden...

"Bring a ladder" I ordered and the invention for climbing was here.. I didn't used this before but for my wife I have to....

I place the ladder according to the window of our room and started to climb first 7-10 steps were difficult than I climb it easily...I open the window and namika threw a vase over me that made a bruise in my forehead but that wasn't deep... I left the fear for myself and jumped in the room.....

"Don't you dare to come near me" she demanded and threw things again.. is this her being in panic attack..?...

"Okay I won't but first calm down.. what happened..?" I asked without getting closer to her and assembling the things which she's throwing... This mess can effect her brain in negetive way more....

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