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*Namika's POV*

"Okay now let's work on wedding it's 11AM already" mom told pulling the group hug but papa ji was holding me as his own daughter.......

"Bas bhi kriye vansh ke papa"

"Are you jealous...? That's my daughter I'll  will love her as much as I want" I giggled and again a thought of papa{her own father} came in my mind he loves me like this but never expressed and now I got a dad who express as well I swipe the tear......

"Namika... It's okay" dad tapped my head and then shoulder....

"I feel so lucky that I got a new family" I told looking at three of them....

"We too are lucky to have you" they all said in unison and for the first time I laughed without regrets so loud that my parents only made me 7 years ago.....

{you all want her parents death story....?}

"Woah your smile and laughter are blessing baccha" mom said and the word baccha touched my soul....

"Kaka...." Mom called someone and they all came with large gifts and somethings I can't see....

"Beta this all is your gift for marrige coz we'll leave just after it and this" she picked a special one...

"This is your joda{wedding dress which is given by groom's side} for wedding you have to wear this" she handed me the lehanga and other jewellery & accessories

"Sure mom" I said and accept the dress with respect....

"It's 11:10 the makeup artist will come on 3 PM okay" she said with a smile which I returned and they all went from there but naman gave me a flying kiss which I rejected dramatically in response he stamped and left angrily..... I laughed but what if he's really angry I went to him.....

"Naman....." I said placing my hand on his shoulders... He jerked his shoulder in result my hand dropped..... Let me act....

"ooouchh" there was wall I was actually acting that my hand hits the wall and I took my hand in other one..... And started groaning in pain.....

"Bhabhi I-I'm sorr-y I didn't me-an to bhabh-i" he was shuttering and his hands were caressing my hand continuously the fear in his eyes my god!!!

"Shh naman I am-"

"NAMAN" a voice echoed in the corridor and it's the lion who roared VANSH but why he's so tensed...? Why he cares...? He don't need to... I don't want it from him.... He came near me and hold my hand from his hand... I hate vansh's touch as well....

"Bhai.. wo" vansh glared at naman and he went silent......

"You don't need to take care of me I can and it's noth-" I said taking my hands back but he wasn't bother by my words or action.... And cut my sentence...

"Naman bring first Aid box" Vansh ordered and naman ran towards any first room in his path...

"And yea it's not my need it's my desire to make you feel better" vansh told not seeing in my eyes only rotating my fingers and hands to look the pressure of pain in area but there is nothing....

"Even you desire or whatever, I don't want... it's undesirable for me you don't have to spend your previous time for me" I said and glared at him he looked back but not with anger or fear from me not like this that's something else..... But why I care...?

"Bhai here" naman was back with box in hurry panicking a little... I took my hand from his grip and looked at naman....

I lift his chin and told......
"Are you still mad at your bhabhi...?"

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