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*Author's POV*

Namika and vansh were sleeping deeply but eventually namika got her nightmare of naksh, her forehead got sweatbeds, her hand clutch bedsheet and she was chanting 'please no' repeatedly...

Her nightmare got broken and she look up from the blurry eyes only to see vansh was not there... Her heart rate increased more.. she wants vansh so bad right now..

"V-vanshh" she tried to scream but no response was there.... She turn her head opposite of the bed and he was sleeping peacefully hugging the pillow that made her sigh in relief but she went towards him,threw the pillow and placed herself there... She sat on his waist and put her head on his chest....

"Vansh.... I.. I.. love you, but naksh still make me weak to thin-k straight.." she was talking to him but he has deep sleep... She suddenly realized what she said.. did she just confessed..?

'I should plan a proposal, but when..? Yes... It's his birthday after 2 days that's the best one..' she thought..

Tsk he lost the chance to hear that words from her mouth but if she's going to tell in way more better manner than okay...

She looked up to his face and tears were falling on his shirt... She moved a bit up and kissed his forehead.. then nose then cheeks... His lips were tempting her which she really want to take in her lips... She peck his lips, and he woke up but didn't open his eyes, she still wasn't satisfied as he was still asleep as her perspective, She kissed his lips for good minutes... While caressing his hair and jaw... While he was controlling his hands to choke her,lips to reply the kiss and groans because of her caressing...

His lips were swollen now, they were doubled from its size.. still the terror or the need only she knows wasn't getting over... She pressed his both cheeks which made his mouth open slightly... She inserted her tongue on his mouth and explored his mouth with pure devotion....

"Ahhhh I want moreeee" her breathing was getting heavy as she's unable to control her temptation towards vansh and he wasn't getting up but who'll tell her that he's laughing internally.... He was enjoying the scene but wasn't aware that she's afraid of losing him, because she just saw a nightmare which always break her apart and for her only vansh is her everything, her pill which can control her...

She got up and went towards kitchen, took a glass of water and unwillingly broke the glass from which a maid came...

"Ma'am take your steps back"

'm-ma'am the word I hate' she thought and went back towards the room but in the mid-stairs she remembered the icecream she brought.... She took it and went towards room..

Meanwhile vansh open his eyes when she was in kitchen and looked around chuckling but his smile got disappeared when he saw a standing rod waiting for her touch...

"Gosh, please no if she'll see this, it'll be awkward for her" hand was caressing or say pounding his member up and down while blabbering the words... But his dick was getting hard second by second...

"Why...? She didn't even touched my Dick then why... Fuck..." He heard the footsteps and again went to his pretending sleep but his friend did slept....

She open the door and went towards bed sat peacefully but again she wasn't satisfied, even she don't know what she wants...
She lay on bed but still she's annoyed... Later after changing 6-7 position she placed her head on his chest but again shifted to his stomach and a smile came to her face, she put the icecream box on his stomach and his condition was getting worse, his breathing speed accelerated and he was feeling the pain in his
dick that was so hard and trying to tear the lower and boxer to stand freely....

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