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*Namika's POV*

I woke up seeing my husband beside me, Infact not beside, in his embrace Which was probably my new kink..? I guess...

I saw him, deciphering his features that god gave him, that long lashes, broad eyebrows, that not so ordinary lips and the most favorite that jawline which turned me on like hellll god...

I climb above him resting my legs in between his legs... And took his head on my hand... Giving wet kisses from his one temple to another, from the tongue-cutting jawline to the softest earlobes.....

Right now thanking god that he's sleeping otherwise I couldn't be this bold, I don't know why but in front of him I am all fragile....

I chuckled thinking that I didn't applied lipstick otherwise there would be a red beard in my husband's face..... Ahhhh telling him my husband sounds fvcking good!!!!!

'What if one day you'll sleep besides him and he'll leave you to survive alone'~ my mind still interrupted and that's a matter of concern that what if he will...

"I won't bug" his morning voice goddddddd!!!! Ahhhh!! I can die for this in milliseconds and in next second he was above me snuggling his face on my chest and I was hell surprised what he said...?

"W-what" I asked moving his face up to glance at him... He groaned like he'll kill anyone who'll part him from my chest, he snuggle pressing my b00bs hard from his cheek, pulling me harder towards him....

"I said I won't leave you" what the actual fuck..? isn't I was thinking it..? or whispering..? shit!! No how I can whisper these thing..? I remember I was wondering how he knew-

"It's obvious from your face now don't think much" he said drifting to his sleep again as he became motionless and I was still thinking is that so obvious..? Then in 6 months that was obvious too..? he knew what I thought..? Ahhh!!! I hurt him mentally as well...

I successfully took my phone from nightstand as I was pressed below my giant husband's body...
It's 5 AM Noo!! I have to wake up early today.. I have planned to make breakfast and yea with love for my husband I thought looking at his face which was widely pressed from side making a slight pout in his lips...

I rubbed my thumb in it, pushing it with low force, he had plumpy lips too, not more than me huh!! I'm having the plumpest one... I praised myself pinching his lips ofc with low pressure and put his body carefully but with difficulty he's so heavy and bulky.. I put him on mattress and for last time I played with his hair leaving his hair in messy state.....

I took bath and wore a Saree looking at the mirror of our room instead of closet coz I want to be close with him every moment

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I took bath and wore a Saree looking at the mirror of our room instead of closet coz I want to be close with him every moment.... Still my sleeping beauty isn't got sober... But that's surprising coz he always wakes up to workout... What's the matter today..?

I shook the thought and let him sleep, I went to kitchen and asked what is his favorite nasta {breakfast} masi told he love parathas and egg sometimes...

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