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 "So," I began a conversation with Ana halfway through dinner. "What is your relationship like with Gabriel?"

She was silent for a few minutes as she chewed a few bites of her fish and vegetables.

"We get along really well." As always, it was a genuine answer.

"How was it at first?" I wanted to get into the depth of her relationship. According to Pedro, Gabriel and Ana were extremely close.

"I resented the whole family. For so long, it had just been my mom and I. I didn't have the best relationship with my father, so having a new father figure was not exactly a thrilling idea. Then there were the boys." She rolled her eyes as she ate a few more bites. "Nicholas I didn't mind. To be honest, I didn't mind them. Except for Gabriel. He drove me insane. He irritated me. He still does. But as I have spent more and more time with the whole family, I see them truly like my brothers and Antonio as my father."

She gave me my answer. There was nothing between her and Gabriel. So, it was time to shoot my shot.

"I have enjoyed getting to know you these past weeks. I see that you are the girl I want to be with. Anastasia, would you be my girlfriend?" I put all my cards on the table. I prayed that my instincts were right.

She dropped her fork on her plate.

"Oh. Sebastian, I am very flattered that you feel that way. However, I don't see this going any further. I hope we can still be good friends." I could see she felt bad for rejecting me.

"Of course," I said removing the pain from my voice.

I couldn't spend two months with a girl who didn't feel the same way for me as I felt for her.

"I understand. Tomorrow we are going to stop in Almeria. Maybe it would be best for someone to take you home." It was hurtful. I saw it on her face.

"Okay. If that is what you want." She was silent for a few moments. "Umm. I think I'm going to call my mother. I'll see you tomorrow." She stood and left. I looked at her plate. She hadn't even eaten half of her food.

I had hurt her. But in all fairness, she hurt me. I continued to eat and went to bed. I was thankful our rooms were in separate areas of the cabin.

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