Falling Back

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The iron smell of blood filled your nose while the dust fell into your throat. Water was a luxury for those not in a war zone. Bullets fall around your team.

"We have to move!" Viper calls from your left 

"I'll take care of it!" You unclip the grenade and chuck in the direction of fire as hard as you could. You cover your head with your hands and feel the vibrations of the ground as the grenade and smoke bombs provided temporary cover for your escape. Keegan slams a door open with his block of a body and you all run into the building. You ascend the stairs as one team sweeping the rooms as you head down the halls.

Viper and you cover the entrance to the stairs waiting to be followed. 

"Where are they?" you ask

"Must've took out more people than you thought Onyx" Viper calls you by my code name making you smirk underneath your mask.

"Onyx" Keegan steps out of one of the rooms behind you ,"We found survivors" 

The stoic nature of his voice, he couldn't meet your eyes, you knew before you walked in the room. You turned through the doorway to see a mother holding her two children in her arms. She was bleeding down her legs. Her kids unaware from shellshock. 

The mother looked at you with pure fear and terror. You put my hands up, "It's okay, we're going to get you out of here" you nodded. She couldn't understand what you were saying. 

"Keegan, tell the men to hang back for a second" you say over my shoulder although he didn't want to leave you alone he turned out the door. 

The closer you got to her the more uncomfortable they seem. You kneeled and took off your mask. It isn't allowed on missions but the moment this woman saw you were a woman, she understood she was going to be safe. You smile and give her a nod. 

"Evac's on the way. We have the building secure." Keegan says through the door.

You offer your hand to the woman to guide her to the evacuation point. Reluctantly she takes it, the two kids burying their eyes in her dress. You were the only woman on the team but you had to make sure she trusted at least someone else. You signed Keegan over. "Friend" you held his hand and she nods as a way to completely understand what you were saying. 

The little girl started looking around and said something to her mom in her language. They seem to be arguing and before you knew it the girl takes off back up the stairs. Keegan grabs her mother to stop her from running after her. 

You immediately dart after her when Keegan called after you but she was already up the stairs . You see her run to the room you had just pulled them out of and she grabbed a little stuffed bunny covered in dirt. Your eyes widen as you see a grenade get thrown through the window right next to the little girl. 

"Grenade!" You call out

Instinctively you slide over and throw it out the same window it came from. You force your body over the little girl pinning her to the ground. The blast, although from outside the smashed the wall into pieces pushing you into darkness. 

Two Days Later 

The slight beeping of a machine travels through your head. Your eyes flutter open revealing the white light of a hospital room. 

You look around and your head falls back. 

"Well, well, well. Good morning sleeping beauty" Keegan's voice gets your attention 

"Ow" you close my eyes feeling the extend of your injuries. Your left arm is covered in cuts and burn marks wrapped in bandages. 

"How you feelings champ?" he asked standing over you 

"The girl?" you got out 

"She's alive, because of you. Barely a scratch on her" he said with pride 

You hummed in agreement. "I'll get the nurse" Keegan walked out of the room and returned with a small woman who immediately administered pain medicine in your IV. 

"That was a shit mission with shit intel" you say, the morphine loosening my tongue.

"I know. Price is already dealing with it but you'll be happy to know that shit mission got you a few medals" Keegan took a seat at the edge of your bed 

"I don't care about that stuff Keegs" 

"I know". You stare into his unique eyes, one crystal blue the other a warm honey brown. They were the most comforting thing about your days. You've become good friends since you joined the SAS task force in the UK. Your team although new, got the job done, that's what you've always done. Train, fights, get it done. But Keegan was something unexpected, he just got you the way best friends get each other. 

"What are you staring at?" he asked almost reading your mind

You shook your head, embarrassed, "Nothing"

"There's someone who wants to see you" the nurse stands in the doorway, holding the hand of the little girl who you protected. The nurse motioned for her to come to you.

"What's your name?" You asked with a smile on my face, you didn't want her to know you were in pain.

"Zara" she replied holding her stuffed bunny 

"That's a very pretty name. I'm Y/N" 

"Thank you" she replies in a small delicate voice covered with an accent. Although no one could see, under the mask, Keegan was smiling. Seeing you with children always brought a smile to his face. You could make a connection with anyone. 

"You hurt?" the little girl asked you with pain in her eyes 

"Only a little. I'll be okay" You tried to give your best 'I am not in excruciating pain' look , "I am very happy you're okay" the little girl smiled back at you 

"Okay, let's let her rest" the nurse offered her hand to Zara and guided her out of the room. The second she left you bit my bottom lip. This little girl saw horrible things and had the heart to come and thank you. A tear that you fought so hard to keep in fell on your cheek. 

"It's okay" Keegan wiped it away 

"How long do I have to stay here?" You tried to change the subject

"Probably another few days" 

"I could heal at base" You rolled your eyes, he knew you hated hospitals. 

With a slight chuckle, "I'll see what I can do kit kat" 

His nickname for you since you told him your codename came from a black cat you had when you were little. 


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