New Girl

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The golden tones over the horizon over the Mexican landscape covered the land. The warm was a contrast to the cold of missions in the UK. You could get used to this. 

The base stood before you with low buildings and training facilities. You inhaled it all in in an attempt to exhale the nerves. Price and Anderson climbed out of the small plane and instructed two men on where to take the weapons we had flown with. At the corner of my eye you see a man walking towards us with a smile on his face. Dirt covered his face, couldn't be more than 30, "Price, good to have you back" he extended his hand for a firm shake, following one for Anderson. 

"You must be Onyx" he reached his hand out to you ,"I'm Sergeant Major Ronald Perez" he said with a welcoming smilie.

"Nice to meet you Serg. You can call me Y/N" you offered, there was no need for callnames on base. "It's good to finally meet you, Price has told us a lot about you" Ronald replied in a respectful manner 

"Well I'm happy to be here sir" 

More small talk ensued before we were lead inside. Anderson went to the main office building while Price and Ronald took you on a tour of the dorms. Entering the main building the awake and social atmosphere surrounded you. Soldiers, almost all men, were tending to their tasks. Some nodded at you, some followed you with their eyes, my lips curled in an attempt to reciprocate.  

"This is the main building Y/N, the heart of our operations where you will report every morning for assignment unless told otherwise. Your task force is in a separate building where you will be staying" 

You bit my lip trying to conceal the excitement of your own special building. It was smaller and on the west side of the base. 

"Quarters are upstairs" Ronald explained, "Gym, armory and mission room are to the right. Offices are down to the left" he walked you through the halls and pushed the doors into a larger room that gave the intention of a living area, "This is the rec room and kitchen" 

Your heart jumped in my throat when all my teammates turned to stare at the freshmeat. 

"Who's this las?" a Scottish accent came from your left. You turn to see a scruffy man with peaked hair to the ceiling, muscles on the verge of ripping his shirt apart. He was the one I had seen in the file, Soap. Before you could reply, your eyes traveled the even bigger man behind him, a tall figure with a mask with brown piercing eyes. Ghost. 

"This is Onyx, your newest addition to the force" Ronald introduced 

"It's nice to meet you" Soap extended his hand out to you. You took it firmly, "It's Y/N" he lingered a little too long with your hand. Your focused your eyes on Ghost getting ready to introduce yourself.

"Nice to meet you" You extend your good arm to him, he looked down at you like an ant under a boot. As if you weren't even there, the masked man looks above your head to Ronald, "We don't need any additions. Especially unexperienced ones" he coldly turned to get something from the fridge as you dropped your hand. Awkward. 

"Ghost." Ronald's tone went from the kind one you've heard since you landed to authoritative, "We're all on the same side here. And you will give her a chance"

In that moment you wished the ground would open up and swallow you hole. You felt like a child being defended like that. Who the hell does this guy think he is? "I didn't exactly ask to be here either" you said through the silence. All heads turned to you as if they were not expecting you to say anything. Soap smirked followed by a chuckle from Ronald and other guys at the table. 

"Ghost, since you seem so willing, finish the paperwork with her and show her to her room" Ronald handed a file to Ghost and patted him on the shoulder before walking away. 

Ghost's eyes close followed by a sigh, "Follow me" 

You'd rather walk alone and get lost but thanks, you wanted to say, but you followed in his footsteps. It was liked walking behind a wall, he smelled like rain and wood. He was just in a black shirt with cargo pants, the belt was tight around his waist. Your eyes lingered on his form for the entire walk before you realized you were staring. He lead you into an office with no name on the door, you found it odd since every other office had a name on the door but then again you were dealing with a ghost. An arrogant one at that. 

He swings around the desk and hands you the paperwork, already highlighted on where to sign. Ronald's pettiness of making Ghost do a task so simple brought a smile to your lips, you almost let out a laugh.

"Something funny?" Ghost's voice relented the silence 

"No" you simply said still smiling. You could feel his eyes on you watching as you signed each line. Almost as if he wanted to say something else. You finished the last page and handed it back to the gawking man in front of you. 

"You forgot an address" he tried to hand the folder back to you. 

Your ears turned red, "Oh, I don't have one" you avoided eye contact not taking the folder back, "I guess the base" 

"I know this might be hard for you to understand rookie but it means a home address" he mocked  

You tilt your head in annoyance, "I understand what you're saying Honcho. I'm saying I don't have one" you paused, "I was a foster kid from New York and homeless so if you're looking for something more specific the list of foster homes should be in the other folder and I must've been too stupid to write down the names of all the streets I slept on". Silence. You stared in his eyes and he stared back at yours. They were piercing brown and you couldn't look away. You refused to look away first. 

For a moment I almost saw his eyes show a tinge of emotion, "Here's your key" he opened the drawer and handed you a key. It had the number's 112 on it. 

"Thanks. I think I can find it" you stood up, "Am I dismissed Lieutenant?" you placed your hands behind your back. He only responded with only a nod. You turned to leave by closing the door, probably harsher than you meant too, asshole, you thought. You immediately take down the steps to the first floor to your room, fuming. I clenched the keys in my hand tightly enough for them to break skin. You decided someone so arrogant wasn't worth the aggravation. 

"110, 111, 112, here we go" As you unlocked the door and entered the room, you noted the walls, eggshell. A single neatly made bed in the left corner of the room with a nightstand and a lamp. you filled the closet with your uniforms and drawers with your clothes. 

Awkward conversation, obviously not my biggest fan but you weren't here to make friends. You already had friends, you were here because you were supposed to be, you were told to. What an ass. Probably knew everything about your life, all in his file. Your life reduced to a times new roman on glossy paper. 

You were going over a few essentials already in your room, map of the local area, laptop, and your favorite, a standard-issue sidearm with a holster. You held up the 42 in your hand, aiming it around your room. 


The Abyss: Task Force 141 II Ghost x YNWhere stories live. Discover now