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Keegan wouldn't sleep that night, he couldn't. His mind was plagued with the desire to knock your door down and finally kiss you. Finally find out what you tasted like. But there is no way you would've felt the same way. You would only ever care for him as a friend in his mind and he didn't want to ruin the friendship you had. Everyone who met you was in love with you, how could they not be but that didn't mean you reciprocated their feelings.   

Still if this was the time to confess how he felt now was the time. A sinking feeling in his stomach climbed up to his throat started to choke him.  Words were never your strong suit but Keegan never felt the need to explain himself to you either. He fell asleep with the biggest smile on his face thinking about your coconut shampoo, your long eyelashes, your big beautiful brown eyes that couldn't hide what you were thinking even when you tried. 

The Next Morning 

Like my mind knew, you woke up a minute before the alarm went off at 0800. You watched the clock change and hit the button cutting off the first alarm. You took this as an opportunity to have an early start and go running to clear your head. Jogging around the complex for 30 minutes, turning it into a full sprint every now and then. 

As your heart rate slows down you entered barracks saying your good mornings to those you pass through the halls. you shower, eat, and pack the last of your things. No sign of Keegan which is odd, you normally would've run into him by now but your sure he'd come say goodbye. 


You head to the shooting range where Viper and Venom were cleaning rifles.

"What are you two going to do without me?" You said from behind them

"Probably get the job done faster" Venom whispered under his breath and Viper chuckled. You whacked them both on the back of the head.

"Ahh" they said in unison

"I'm not going to miss that" Viper rubs the back of his head. 

"I have to head to the tarmac, I wanted to say goodbye to my knuckleheads" You dip down in between them and wrap your arms around both of them. After a moment of silence, "And have you seen Keegan?" 

"Not since last night" Venom answered, "He is usually following you around like you have him on a leash or something" 

You tilt your head, "Don't make me hit you again" you glance at my watch.

"Well I have to go-" A wave of sadness come over you, "I just wanted to say goodbye but if you see him.. just. Yeh- I'm gonna be late" You give them one last hug each and head out with your duffle bag over your shoulder.

You ended up on the tarmac where Keegan ran after you, "Y/N!"

Your heart jumped in your throat and eyes widened, "Thought you forgot about me" 

"I couldn't not say goodbye to my best girl" Keegan wrapped you in your arms, "Stay alive, I'll see you soon"

You inhaled his smell one last time, "Don't worry about me, I'll be okay, I'll miss you"

"Y/N!" Price called from the opening of the plane.

"I have to go. Bye" your eyes fluttered with sadness and something else.

"Goodbye Y/N" Keegan's eyes were painfully beautiful and yet sad.

You walked to join Price and Anderson on the plane, looking behind you one last time to see Keegan standing there putting a hand up to say goodbye, with a letter clenched in his other fist behind his back. A letter with how he truly felt about you but for some reason, he couldn't give it to you. 

"Top of the morning to ya" Price called from his seat. It looks like we were also flying some cargo to the border of Mexico. 

"Good morning" You took a seat across from him and click my phone to see your screensaver of your team and in the photo Keegan is looking at you with loving eyes. 

Keegan watched as your plane took off, it might be for the best, leave things the way they have been for these past years. Friends.

You took off and just like that you left your life in the UK to return to a life in the United States. You dosed off a few times but mainly you just starred out the window for hours trying to memorize the flicks of color in Keegan's eyes. Miles of ocean stretched out almost as if there was no land at all on our planet. Nature always had a way of reminding you of how small and insignificant you truly were. With the things you've seen, the things you've had to do, it humbles you to think of the natural order to life. No matter where you are you would always take a moment to be a part of the world around you even this high in the sky. 

"Onyx, come. This contains the details of your team" Price brought you back to reality waving you over to the middle of the plane with confidential files. As you opened it, faces of skilled operatives stared at you, each photo accompanied by a list of their expertise. 

You flipped the folder open, "Soap?"

"Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish" Price nodded with a bit of a chuckle, "He's been around awhile, reliable under pressure, speciality demolitions. Good guy to learn from"

"Roach?" you repeated the odd name 

"Gary 'Roach' Sanderson, speciality, sniper" Price continued. Noted, you thought could learn from him as well, your long range could use some work. As you flipped the page he didn't even wait to give you the following details, "Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, covert surveillance" 

"What about this one? Ghost. No photo?" No accompanying picture with a long list of achievements and high kill score. 

Price signed, "Never. Never a photo. Ghost prefers to keep his identity private, even from his own teammates." 

"Um, alright. What about his speciality?" You asked thinking it was strange to not show your face even to your own teammates. 

"Pretty much everything" Price almost seemed annoyed at the fact

Your eyebrow lifted, "How is his speciality everything?" 

"You'll see" Price left an ominous tone lingering in the air, "You're in for a wild ride with this crew. They are the best of the best"' 

"hmm" You frowned at the files, "Which begs the question of why I am being moved to this task force?" You knew you were good, but looking through all of their stats, you were a beginner compared to them. You would have a lot to work on before they are able to trust you out on the battle field. 

"You need to give yourself more credit kid. You are talented and you are perfect for these upcoming missions" Price attempted to reassure you. You refused to push any further because at that moment you knew. The thing the team needed wasn't your skills, they needed a woman. 

The Abyss: Task Force 141 II Ghost x YNWhere stories live. Discover now