Brown Eyes

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"You worthless piece of shit!" Your stepfather's fist landed a blow to the side of my head, "Always sturring up trouble" he said before sending his foot into your stomach. The iron taste of blood wrapped itself around your teeth. You tried catch your breath but inhaling was almost as worse as not doing anything at all. Might've shattered a rib. 

"Mom!" You called out. You head lifted just enough to see you mom standing behind, Hector, the man who called himself your stepfather with a hand covering her mouth. 

The smell of whiskey and sweat folded off Hector as he got close to your face, "If the police ever show up at my door again, I will kill you" he stepped over my body and opened the trailer door probably to wash the blood off his knuckles. 

"Mom?" you cried unable to move. It was followed by a sigh and her heels turning to continue rotting in front of the TV pretending what she saw didn't happen. 

The alarm jolted you out of the dream. It was as if you could still feel the blows from your stepfather's fists on your face and you placed a soft hand on your jaw. Dripping in sweat. Your grey tank, wet down your stomach, "ew". 

I needed a shower anyways, you thought to yourself. You turn to the clock, 0700, still have an hour. You head to the girls bathroom, fully knowing no one else is coming in. You take your clothes off and walk under the showerhead. The warm water washed the sweat off and almost put you back to sleep. You take a look at your arm, it's healing better than expected. You should be alright to fully train today. 

You finish up getting ready, you clip up your wet hair and head to the kitchen. Ronald is sitting there at the table having coffee with Roach when you stepped in. 

"Buenos dias" Ronald said when he saw you.

"Good morning"you made your way over to the fridge and fried up some eggs. Black cup of coffee and toast. 

"Powering up? You're gonna need it" Soap chuckled past you. Ghost's eyes fell into mine, all consuming. You sprung a look of worry, he looked at you like you were something to eat, you know how an ant feels before the boot comes crushing down. 

"Gym. 5 minutes." a low grumble come from beneath his mask. Your lips curled in and you curtly nodded. He swiftly took a bowl of cereal into the other room, your eyes followed until you no longer had him in view. You took your hair down and ran a hand through your hair.

"It's a mask thing" Gaz took a seat next to you. 

"So no one here has seen his face?" you almost whispered the question in fear he might hear you through the walls and shoot you.

"Nope. Not one of us" Soap viciously bit his toast, questions ran through your head, "Don't you have somewhere to be las?" he asked 

"Oh shit" You slide out of the chair and jogged your way to the gym where Ghost was there waiting for you. You cleared your throat as a way to announce your presence. 

"You're late" the same monotone voice as it's been for the past few days. You felt the urge to change that it.

"Technically I'm on time" you put your water bottle on the floor.

"Mhh." He finally turned to meet your eyes but began to scan your top before bringing his eyes back up to yours, "Do I have to tell you how to put your hair up too?" 

Your cheeks warmed when you realized your hair was still down, "ehem, sorry" You threw it up in a tight pony tail and followed him to the matt. 

"We are going to start with hand-to-hand combat, I want to see what level I'm working with" by his tone of voice, you were pretty sure he is 100% convinced he isn't working with much. 

The Abyss: Task Force 141 II Ghost x YNWhere stories live. Discover now