Pushed Together

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The next few weeks were busy with training, secret lights on the roof, sharing stories, watching movies.

Movie nights on Saturdays has become tradition between us. The guys would secretly watch from afar sometimes pretending to go to their rooms while stealing glances at Ghost and you. Soap, would join from time to time and you could've sworn you say his eyes tear up at the King o Arthur at the end of the movie.

Your suggestions were a stark constrast to theirs. You made them watch heartfelt movies, war stories, rom coms. You had the pleasure of watching Scarface, the Godfather, Matrix and Fight Club. Made sense. 

Over the weeks Ghost took immense pride in teaching you and watching you grow in skill and confidence. He had invested so much time and effort into training you, pushing you to become stronger and more capable. Your skills were better than ever, Ghost showed you everything down to the smallest details. 

You hadn't been close since the night of your first movie with him except one night a spider scared the daylights out of you and he removed the offending creature. You had gotten into a routine with him. Training, roof, movies once a week. You spoke to Keegan but he had been out on a mission for weeks. You kept him in your thoughts and once a month got a post card from wherever he was saying, "Wish you were here" 

Ghost always held back from asking as the postcards always brought a smile to your face. He thought it was better not to know in the situation yet. 

Saturday night had become synonymous with movie night, a routine Ghost looked forward to. However, Soap's plan for a trip to the bar deviated from that tradition. 

When you expressed hesitation about joining them at the bar Ghost silently agreed and did not like the idea of you going. However, Soap, Gaz, Ronald begged you and managed to convince you to join them. A mix of worry and jealousy filled Ghost as you agreed to go. 

Ghost had started his shift in the security office, something he normally did after the movie. You traveled to the security room standing in the doorway, "Ghosty" a nickname he pretended to by annoyed by, but secretly it made him happy only you called him that. 

"Come in" he called out still starring at the CCTV footage.

You playfully leaned against the control panel, "So would you hate me if I were to tell you I asked Graves to take care of your shift tonight so you could come out to the bar with us?" 

Ghost rolled his eyes to you, "Graves?"

"Just for tonight and then you can watch these black and white screens all you want. Please?" you were on the border of shameless and desperate but you wanted him to come. 

He tried to suppress the small smile that threatened to appear on his lips at your pleading tone. He was a man who was used to giving orders but somehow you had a way of getting him to bend.

"You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" he narrowed his eyes at you

"Nope, get dressed see you in 10! I'm leaving before you can deny me" you spoke your words as you slipped out the door. He smiled under his mask at your knack fro bulldozing your way through his defenses and he admired your persistence. 

Graves walked in to the security room, "So I hear you're taking tonight off" 

Ghost hardened is exterior again, "Yeah I am"

"How much longer do you need to get the information Ghost, she's been here for 2 months" Graves took a seat next to Ghost. 

"It won't be long now" Ghost rose from his seat, "Have a goodnight" and he went to get changed. 

The Abyss: Task Force 141 II Ghost x YNWhere stories live. Discover now