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The next few weeks Ghost did what he promised. He left you alone but continued to watch with longing eyes. He picked up extra shifts in the security office with his free time and found it a comfort watching you from afar. You training and getting more skilled. 

Although being able to watch you gave him some sort of comfort it also pained him. He watched you smile in front of others but your aura changed when no one else was around. He watched you regain your composure before walking into a room sighing and putting a smile on. 

He felt pathetic, only being able to get close to you through a blurry screen, watching you sneak out on a motorcycle almost every night and riding who knows where. 

You did your best to engage with your other teammates, laughing and engaging in conversations. The only solace you could find was jumping on a motorcycle and driving through the desert under the sunset.

 It was mainly Gaz, ever observant, noticed something was off and wondered why your smile faltered.

He tried to talk to you and grabbed you aside before you could enter the mess hall, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" 

You were stunned he was even asking, "What's up?" 

Gaz didn't miss the shadow in your eyes or the tension in your voice. He could practically see the weight of you carrying something. Ghost sitting in the security room watched as Gaz pulled you aside and clenched his jaw.

"I just wanted to know if you're okay" he said gently, his brow furrowed with concern. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" You crossed your arms over your chest and closed yourself off. He knew you were trying to put on a brave front, but he could see through it. Gaz saw a sadness in your eyes and couldn't help but want to do something about it. 

He stepped closer, his voice gentle, "I know something's wrong".

You took a step ever slightly leaning back, "I appreciate the concern Gaz, it's nice to know I have a friend I can lean on" in case it wasn't clear. Ghost smiled under his mask at the word, 'friend'. He liked watching you put Gaz in his rightful place. 

Ghost knew all the guys wanted you since the moment you got here and the weeks of him trying to maintain his distance had given the other guys the perfect opportunity to try to get closer to you. 

You went into the mess hall with Gaz disappointed. You took a seat as you heard heavy footsteps and you knew Ghost was coming to get his dinner. As much as you were grateful he left you alone, you wanted him to be close enough. 

Ghost's eyes immediately locked onto you as he walked into the mess hall. His eyes traveled to a cut on your lip from training, Ghost scanned the room thinking of which of these dummies could've been too rough with you, he walked over to get a plate next to Soap.

"Who did that to her?" Ghost asked subtly and was met with a casual shrug not knowing who punched you. Soap's response only fueled his anger. 

You were eating when you saw Price walking down the hall with another person behind him. Your eyes squinted to see the person behind him in the dark hallway. 

Your eyes widen as the stranger came into the light. You recognized the brown and blue eyed masked man. A wave of anticipation washed over you, and your heart moved for the first time since finding out about Ghost's betrayal. 

"Listen up everyone this is our new recruit-" Price began 

"Keegan?" You finished his sentence for him.

"There she is" Keegan walked toward you and you couldn't help but run into his arms. He wrapped one arm around you and lifted you off the floor spinning you around, inhaling your scent a little too much for Ghost's comfort. He gently laid you down as a blush came across your face. 

You lightly punch him in the arm while all the guys including Ghost watched in horror and awe as the light in your face came back after weeks. Soap, Gaz and the others exchanged looks of confusion. 

Price cleared his throat, "Keegan Russ will be joining on our missions from here on out. I expect you to treat him with the respect he has earned". Price let you take it from there.

"Sorry, he was on my last team in the UK" your smile was intense. Keegan's eyes never left you as you spoke, his smile reserved only for you. The guys could see the affection and familiarity between you two. 

"I have so much to tell you and you have to tell me about the Venezuela mission. But you probably want to settle in first, or your hungry, theres some terrible food on the stove. Unless you know you're jet lagged" you ran your mouth faster than brain could catch up.

"Easy Kit Kat" Keegan chuckled and looked at you with affection and enthusiasm, having missed you just as much as you missed him over the past 4 months.

"Kit Kat?" Roach asked in disgust. 

"It's a-" Keegan started to answer

"It's nothing" you quickly shut him down.

Keegan threw his head up in amusement before meeting your eyes again, "Let me unpack first"

Heavy boots walk over, Ghost was furious with jealousy, "Let's get your room assignment then" he walked out of the room barely making eye contact with Keegan. Ghost had been watching the whole time, he couldn't stand seeing you sad for the past few weeks but he also couldn't stand seeing you so happy with someone else. 

"Right" Keegan walked behind Ghost leaving you. Ghost closed the door behind them, his fist tightened on the knob. He handed over a folder containing the room assignment. Ghost's eyes lingered to the shirt you had left and folded on his desk. 

The first time he saw it, it broke a heart he didn't realize he even had. It's like giving him that shirt back was telling him he was no longer in your life. He had continued to smell the shirt until it no longer lingered with you on its fabric. The day that happened he picked up extra shifts in the security office.

Keegan was signing paperwork while Ghost was lost in thought. The flip of a page reminded Ghost he was in the room with the guy to make you smile for the first time in weeks. 

"I'm sorry remind me again how you know Y/N?" Ghost broke the silence with a touch of annoyance behind his words. 

"We were on the same team for about a year before she got transferred here" Keegan replied 

"And you just happen to be moved to the same team as her a few months later?" Ghost skepticism got the better of him as he narrowed his eyes at Keegan. He would already do whatever he could to find out everything about the newcomer. 

"Call it a stroke of luck, have a nice night." Keegan took the key on Ghost's desk and exited the office, leaving Ghost standing there, his teeth grinded in irritation. 

A helpless feeling came over Ghost, he wanted to tell Keegan if he ever touched you again he would kill him, slowly, painfully, and enjoy removing the arm he had wrapped around you from his body. Ghost knew he no longer had the right to tell anyone what to do around you but that wouldn't stop him from trying. 

The Abyss: Task Force 141 II Ghost x YNWhere stories live. Discover now