Don't Even

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As Ghost drunkly stalked back to his room he stopped outside yours. Hearing your sobs and feeling the weight of his betrayal stabbing him in the heart. He wanted to break down the door and hold you and explain but he knew he had lost that right. 

He had lost you. 

The Next Morning 

You woke up the next morning, your eyes were puffy and your body felt like it was going to fall apart. Unraveling, like one pull of a string, you'd fall apart on the floor. 

The thought of facing Ghost after overhearing his conversation filled you with pins and needles. You looked at yourself in the mirror, not recognizing the girl in front of you.  Your bubbly, vibrant energy was replaced by a dull, hateful one. 

You glanced at the shirt you threw off your bed last night, walked over and picked it up. You folded it numbed by the pain, walked down the hall to his office which was empty. You placed the shirt on his desk and walked back to your room to get ready. 

As you made your way to the mess hall, you tried to maintain a normal facade. Everyone was going about their usual routines, for the first time here, you felt like a stranger. You felt like a cloud had formed above you and you couldn't swat it away this time. 

You sat down next to Soap and saw Price walk in. The fury on your face was undeniable and then of course, Ghost walks in and makes immediate eye contact with you. You bit the inside of your lip to control yourself. 

Ghost took a heavy seat next to you in the mess hall, knowing it would provoke you. He seemed desperate to get a response from you. You gritted your teeth. You stood up and got a cup of coffee you didn't even want just to switch seats. He followed you, moving to sit in the seat next to you once again. His determined eyes watched your every move, refusing to let you have the distance you so desperately needed. 

It caught the attention  of the other guys in the room. They watched the tension between you two grow. They knew something was clearly wrong. 

You sighed, got up again and moved to the couch. Within seconds Ghost took a seat next to you on the couch. 

"I have to talk to you" he said, his eyes searching for yours. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of looking him in the eyes. You could feel your heart pang against your chest as he attempted to talk to you again. You couldn't bring yourself to look into his eyes. With a sharp move, you got up from the couch, slammed your full cup of coffee into the sink, and walked out of the room. Your actions spoke volumes about your emotions and the depth of your pain. 

You didn't even know where you were going but found yourself in the empty gym. You saw the weights and punching bags and knew exactly how to make yourself feel better. 

The punching bag became the embodiment of all your hurt and pain, unleashing your rage upon it with every hit. 

"I wouldn't want to be that bag" a voice came from behind you, you turned to see Price watching you. 

You sighed and threw another punch, "Why, did you do something to deserve it?" you shouldn't be speaking to your superior like that but you honestly didn't care. 

He crossed his arms over his chest lifting his eyebrow. 

You sighed and my anger got the better of me, "You know if you wanted to know about my past, you could've asked me. Not send your guard dog to lie and sneak into my life" 

He straightened his posture and stepped closer, his tone serious as he responded, "I needed to make sure you were telling the truth. You have to understand your history is a bit murky. But you're cleared now. This is a good thing" he tried to convince you.

You unwrapped the strap from your hand, sweat dripping down your shirt, "Gee, thanks. We done here?". Price could see the anger and disappointment in your eyes and knew nothing he could say would make it better.

He nodded, "Yeah, we're done here". You leaned down and picked up a towel and side eyed him as you left to the gym outside. 

As you turned around the corner and bumped into Ghost's solid arm who had been looking for you for the past 30 minutes. Your heart jumped and swelled at being so close to him again. You immediately took a step back, away from him.

He looked down at you through his mask, he wanted to say so much, to apologize and make things right but the words caught in his throat. 

You pulled your eyes away from his.

"Please talk to me" Ghost sighed stepping closer. You stepped backwards. 

"Why should I?" you found your words and the pain in your heart made your fingers cramp. 

His heart ached at your question, "Let me explain and tell you everything" he ran his hand over his head, "I know I messed up but please met me tonight on the roof" 

You swung around to face him, "You used me. Go to hell" the anger slipped out in your words. You turned to walk down the hall. Ghost's heart felt like you were stabbing it over and over again and knew he deserved it, you felt a gentle hand around your wrist. Not demanding, but a pleading hand, "It started out that way, yes, but I swear it changed brown eyes" 

You pulled your wrist out of his hand forcefully and his eyes widened with concern, "Don't call me that. Don't call me anything. Don't even think about me." you wanted to hurt him like he hurt you. 

"I don't have to call you that, I won't call you anything. But you can't ask me to stop thinking about you. I can't do the impossible" his eyes were desperate. 

You sighed and shook your head feeling the tears wanting to come up, "Please, just leave me alone, Simon, please" you sharply inhaled.

The sound of his real name falling from your lips cut through him like a blade. It reminded him of the trust he had broken. He took a step back, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him. You looked at him with tears about to spill over. He just lightly nodded and his gaze fell to the floor.

You walked out leaving him behind, you wanted to believe him but this was the same routine as before. Slide into a place where you could trust him. He broke something inside of you that you didn't know existed. You swallowed hard and blinked the tears away and decided the best thing to do was to get far away from Ghost as possible. 

You took a motorcycle, the was probably not supposed to leave the base, and rode into the closest town escaping into the evening horizon. 

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