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I hope you know how much I love you.

I swore to myself that even though there is so much distance between us right now, I would never let you forget how much I love you. You are the most important thing in my life (with Aurora) and I will never - ever - stop fighting for you, for us.

I know this isn't ideal nor is it what we planned, but I also know for a fact that we're going to make it work. Easier said than done, is probably what you're thinking right now - but this is my promise to you, baby. We will make it to the end like we wanted and in a few years this will all just be a bump in the road. I am not giving up on our family.

Talking about family, I've been thinking a lot about what you said to me on our wedding day. You asked me if we should expand our family and I was so caught up in the letter Mouse had given me that I don't think I ever told you what I thought about it.

Truth is, Riley, growing our family is all I could ever ask for. Aurora is the best thing that ever happened to us, I can't even imagine how it'll feel to have another one. So yes, baby, I think it's a wonderful idea and it is definitely in the cards as soon as I get back. And you know what? I think it'll be a boy this time, so that he can help me protect and love you and Aurora. We'll make one hell of a team, the four of us.

Speaking of what's in the cards when I get back, I want us to get the house we've always wanted. I never stopped looking but I never found the perfect one - if you do, I've asked the army to send my salary to a bank account that you also have rights to. If you find the house of our dreams while I'm away, buy it for our family.

And get Adam and Kev to help you move this time, I know all they did last time is set up the fridge and drink beer.

I hope this finds you and I hope you hold on to it, to remind you of how much I love and miss you. I know I'm holding on to that thought.

I love you, Riley, forever.


Riley had grown to hate letters. Last one she read was Jay's and she received it months ago with no response to hers whatsoever. She waited for it for days and days before she realized it wasn't coming. When she eventually gave up hope that one day it would turn up in her mailbox, she held on to the last letter she had from him like it was the last. So there went her love for letter and her excitement each time she received one from him.

It had been three months, three months with no response and no way of knowing if he was okay. For all she knew, he could be stuck in his mission somewhere in the world - hurt or even worse - and she would never know unless they had concrete proof that he wasn't alive anymore.

Those thoughts ran over and over again in her mind as she sat on her desk, tapping her pen obnoxiously on the surface. Everyone around her was getting slightly annoyed at the noise, but they knew better than to say anything. Eventually she sighed heavily, dropping the pen on her desk before standing up abruptly. The sound and movement startled her colleagues, who watched her walk towards Voight's office.

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