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"They'll find him, baby

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"They'll find him, baby." Jay whispered, wrapping his arms around Riley to take her in his arms. She hugged him back, worried out of her mind.

"He's just a kid, Jay. He doesn't know any better and now he must feel like the sky is just falling on him." She spoke, leaning her head on his shoulder. "He deserves better."

"He does." Jay agreed, slightly pulling away when Will approached them. "Hey, no news yet." Jay told him, keeping his arm tightly wrapped around Riley.

"Are you guys on it? Because DCFS won't lay off our backs until he's found." Will asked, running his fingers through his hair. "Poor boy."

"We got this, Will." Jay assured, "Sorry about this. We'll handle DCFS, too."

Riley saw the social worker walking around the hall, so she reached up to press a kiss to Jay's cheek. "I'll go talk to her right now even. See you later, Will." She patted his shoulder, walking away from the brothers.

She reached the woman soon after, calling her name to catch her attention. Riley worked with her a couple years back, so she was pretty positive she'd be able to pull in a favor from her.

"Hey, Rachel." Riley smiled as the woman turned around and pulled her into a hug.

"Hi! I thought I recognized your name when I saw  on the paperwork that a certain Detective Riley Mitchell was involved. How are you?" Rachel questioned, seeming happy to see her old coworker.

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?" Riley asked, keeping a friendly smile on her face.

"I'm good. So, tell me about that case." Rachel said, gesturing for Riley to sit with her.

The detective sat down, sighing lightly before she began speaking. "Boy's called Nate. He's gotten in trouble with us before because he's trying to help out his father. Basically same thing happened this time and now he ran away." She bit her lip, trying to figure out how she could approach it with Rachel. "Rachel, I know how things work with DCFS, but this kid - he just needs a little help. His father died earlier, so I know he'll be put in the system. But if you could just give me some time to find him and at least break the news to him. I know I can help him ease into it, he trusts me."

"We want to protect him, Riley. That's why we're here. He'll get the help he needs with us and we'll find the best family for him..." She trailed off, seeming deep in thoughts. She examined the look on Riley's face, seeing something that made her want to break the rules a little. "But I'll hold off. Last thing I want is to traumatize that boy, so if you think you can get to him - I'm willing to let you try."

Riley let out a sigh of relief, glad that Rachel was seeing things like her. "Thank you so so much, Rachel. This means so much to me."

Rachel patted her shoulder, sending her a smile. "Of course. Just don't make me regret it." She winked at her, shooting her a smile before walking away. Riley only nodded in response, overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude for Rachel.

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