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Things have been rough around here. Aurora speaks now and the words she says the most is dad. My heart breaks everytime because you're not here to hear it or to come rushing to her side when she yells it in the middle of the night. I have to go and try to reassure her, telling her that you'll be home soon even though she barely understands me and I don't believe it myself.

We promised each other forever, a house and a large family that we would raise together. But I no longer want that house or a larger family if you're not here with me.

Nightmares wake me up every other night, ones where Aurora is taken from me or ones where police officers knocks on our door to let me know you're not ever going to be with us again. I also have ones where the FBI learns all about what I did and then Aurora is taken from me while I'm grabbed and thrown into a jail cell. It's all horrible.

I need you with me, Jay. This is seems impossible to do without you. You make everything sound and seem easy and I need that right now. I need your reassurance that everything will be fine and that you'll be home soon. I know it wasn't what you wanted either and I find myself wondering if this is my karma for doing what I did. If this is my fault, I'm sorry, Jay.

I love you,


That was the last letter she wanted to send around three months ago. There was still traces of tears dried on the paper as she held it in her shaking hands, fresh ones appearing as they rolled down her cheeks. She sat on the edge of their - or her - bed, reading it again. She'd put it in her nightstand mindlessly back when she wrote it, unsure why she wasn't just throwing it out. Part of her thought that maybe she'd need it at some point to remind herself of how low she felt back then and how she managed to stand back tall - for Aurora. And now, well now she needed it to stand tall for Aurora and their unborn baby.

And so she grabbed the second letter, a copy of the one she really sent. The one that had never been answered.


Things have been going well around here. Aurora is now able to say a few words, including dada. Melts my heart each time. She seems so happy whenever she says it and it's the perfect reminder of how much we both love you.

I can't wait for you to get back. I've been looking for a house but no luck yet. I think I'm being too picky because I want it to be perfect, but I can only figure that you'd want the same. It's exciting, knowing that you'll be back with us and that we'll be able to have that forever we promised each other.

I love and miss you so much. I can't wait to be able to wrap my arms around you and kiss you.

Be safe,


She threw them both back into her drawer, frustrated. It was inhumane not to let the families know how their loved ones were doing and she figured maybe she could send Mouse a letter, maybe he'd answer. But then again, it could worry her even more because maybe he didn't know either. So she brushed it off, slamming shut the drawer to focus on getting ready for work.

SAFE - Jay Halstead (3)Where stories live. Discover now