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I had finally told someone about me being a vampire it felt good to tell someone apart from mikey y/n had always felt like the one person I could be myself around I felt like we could sit in silence for hours and it not be awkward but also we could go on stupid and not feel judged by the other person that was one of the many reasons I loved y/n we were also super similar but different enough to teach each other things and not get bored of each other.

It has been a week since I told her about me I was worried a little bit not that she would tell someone but that she would be afraid of me i would never want her to be afraid of me .

"Hey" Frank said far to energetic for a Monday morning

"Hey Frank" I groaned back

"God what's up with everyone today" he yelled back

"Frank it's literally Monday morning" I mumbled

"So"he questioned

"So we're all tired Frank not all of us are like you" ray chimed in

"Boring" Frank shouted back at us as he left probably to go annoy someone else

"Hi guys" y/n smiled at us

"Hey y/n/n" I smiled back

"Hey y/n" ray waved at her

"Oh ray do we have English today I'm totally lost with my lessons" she asked

"Yeah second then I think your in my science your in mikeys maths and Gerard's art and the im not sure from there" he added

"Wow I'm glad I have you to keep me on track ...I've got to go see you later bye" she laughed

"Bye y/n/n"I couldn't help but smile a little as I looked at her she just seemed to brighten everywhere up

"So when did that happen" ray asked

"What" I asked confused

"You having a crush on y/n" he replied

"I don't have ...I don't know what what your going on about" I tried to play dumb maybe I did have  a tiny crush on her but I didn't want people to know plus with the circumstances dating wasn't really my first thought at the minute

"Sure you don't buddy we'll I'm always here if you need to talk" ray smirked  a bit before walking off

Time skip to lunch

Before I headed to the lunch spot I stopped by my locker I saw y/n as our lockers were next together she was talking to someone well actually not just anyone she was talking to the real life Regina George unfortunately I had a summer fling with that bitch her talking to y/n couldn't be good.

"So your like new right" the blonde asked y/n her voice was really fucking annoying

"Yeah" she responded

"Oh my god that's so cute if you like need friends or something you can like totally sit with me" the devil her self snickered

"Thanks for the offer really I would love to sit with you and your fake friends but I'm okay I promise " y/n sassed her before walking away

"I have to say I'm impressed as the sass master I approve" i laughed as she approached me

"Why thanks you" she smiled

"I'm bored of school want to skip" I asked her

"Yeah but only is we can go home and watch movies" she added

"Well realistically what else we're we going to do" I said

We quickly exited the building and started walking to my house

"So why was Regina George talking to you" I asked as I lit a cigarette up

"Is that her actual name" y/n questioned me

"Um no ...she just reminds me of Regina George from mean girls" i awkwardly laughed hoping she wouldn't ask about my secret love for chick flicks

"Yeah she seems pretty plastic material do you know her" y/n said

"Unfortunately we hooked up through summer but she was dick so when she asked to make things official I said no" I explained

"Mm" she hummed back

"What do you mean Mm" I smirked at the way she had rolled her eyes at the story maybe she was jealous would it be bad if I was really happy if she was

"Nothing just didn't know you were hooking up with people"she mumbled

"Well yeah tends to happen around this age why have you not darling" I joked

"Shut up you slut" she snapped

"Woah slut shaming that's outrageous y/n im shook to my very core" i placed a hand over my heart pretending to be hurt truth is I had been a bit of a slut this summer and maybe the summer before as well

I opened the door as we approached my house thankfully my parents were on some work business thing I'm not sure and wasn't to bothered.

"So what we going to watch blood sucker" y/n asked as she got comfortable on my bed

"You still like horror" I said


"Okay how about daw of the dead" I replied

"No you know how scared of zombies I am wait if vampires are real are zombies real to" she asked pretty hesitantly

"I'm not sure but if they were I wouldn't let them hurt you okay" I smiled at her

"Thanks gee so seriously what are we going to watch" she asked again

"Killer clowns from outer space" I said

"Fuck yeah I love that movie" she replied

I tossed her over a can of soda while I took out one of the bags of blood I had hidden and drank some just so things didn't escalate

"Gee you have blood on your face" she giggled as she leaned in to wipe it off

Fuck we had never been this close before once she had wiped the blood off she didn't pull away instead we made eye contact I wanted to kiss her so badly but i couldn't one I had no idea if she liked me two getting involved with a vampire was probably not a smart idea

"Skipping without me that's not on bros"and thirdly frank had decided to come over for some reason

"Franklin how did you even know we we're here you could have just broke into Gerard's house" y/n questioned our beloved small stack  cock blocker keeping people pure and faithful on accident since the beginning of time

"I'm so not happy after lunch I headed to music thinking can't wait to see my good  pals Y/N L/N and Gerard way and tell them there invented to my super cool party on Friday but no my so called good friends left me I had to talk to Brandon he was rambling on about closing doors like bro what the do you mean have I ever heard of closing the god damn door" Frank ranted 

"Frank could you actually close the door though" I signalled to the open bedroom door

"Yeah would not want Brandon unsatisfied" Frank yelled as he closed the door

Y/n let out a little giggle

"THIS IS NOT FUNNY WHO TALKS ABOUT DOORS ... wait you guys watching killer clowns from outer space shit I love this movie make room for me" Frank went from yelling to a very calm tone in the matter of seconds he really keeps us on our toes

Kill all your friends (vampire Gerard way) Where stories live. Discover now