Away from the hospital stay

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Gerard's pov

After a few checks and some doctors asking her some questions y/n was aloud to leave on the promise that she would be bedridden for a week so she could fully recover I texted the guys letting them know she was awake and was doing okay

"Y/n you ready to go" I asked her

"Yeah just a bit groggy" she replied

"Come on I'll help you to the car" I told her

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer into me I just wanted her to feel safe with me i wanted her to feel comfortable I just wanted her to feel happy I wanted to make her feel happy.

"Gee I can walk on my own" she giggled

"Yeah but I like helping you darling" I added

I could see her blushing slightly she so adorable.

"Thanks gee" she smiled

I held her like that the whole walk to the car her body shivered due to the cold weather.

" Gee will you come home with me" she looked me straight in my eyes her eyes sparkled they looked so full of life I could stare into them all day they way the colour suited her so well they way they would capture anyone's attention in an instant

"Sure honey" I told her I wanted to go every were with her since I left her I don't want to be apart from her so nothing bad happens to her again so I can protect her the best I can.

The drive to get house was nice filled with music and her giggles her giggles were adorable like the sweetest think I've ever heard

"You need help getting to your room" I asked her

"No but I know you want to help anyways" she giggled

"Mm i really do" I said while getting close to her

"Gee" she blushed

"What's wrong sugar" I whispered in her ear

"Let's go inside" she said

I smiled in return as we made our way into her house and up to her room.

Her hands wrapped around my neck and mine around her waist I pulled her as close as possible to me my head buried in the crook of her neck kissing it softly my hands explored around her back finding there way under her shirt pulling it off.

"Is this okay" I whispered to her

"Yes gee" she replied

My lips met hers my tongue dominating her mouth each kiss feeling more passionate then the last the way she mumbled my name between each kiss.

I carefully pushed her on the bed climbing over her kissing her neck more rough then before her hands clawing off my shirt her hands touching every part of my chest then slowly making there way to my belt.

Her fingers glided over my belt till they hit the buckle yanking to undo it the reaching to unzip my jeans

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