Fuck you

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Gerard's pov

"Fuck you y/n" I mumbled as I left

She was making a bigger deal then what is was meant to be and if she was going to ice me out then two could play that game .

I didn't want to go home i didn't want to go anywhere really i just wanted to disappear completely nothing here was worth it school wasn't worth it my family apart from mikey wasn't worth it but my friends were slowly starting to not be worth it my found family was starting to look like a pice of shit to me like the rose tint glasses had come off and the light had gone off and then it hit me it was all crashing down because I hadn't full accepted I was immortal and everyone I loved around me would die and I would be alone completely alone.

I placed my hand over my chest there was no heart beat I wasn't breathing I wasn't anything I was just taking up space I was worthless things would be better for everyone if I just left faked my own death maybe.

Will we talk again after the words I said after the hate I gave the words you received the time I wasted the time spent underneath that tree the time that you and me together tangled between yet I was falling beneath the tree the cracks were showing the wind was blowing yet you didn't see you only saw the perfect version of me.

I left that note on my desk for one person in particular yet I'm not sure I would make it's way to them but I didn't really care.

I could probably make it to the next town over by morning I started the car I kept telling myself it was the right thing to do and it would be better for everyone no one would care anyways to just keep driving keep going don't look back.

Tuesday morning y/n pov

I couldn't focus all of first period maybe I had over reacted I should've have said what I said my teachers annoying voice mixed with my own thoughts made the class room unbearable to sit in I felt like I was suffocating would he even talk to me after everything I could bare the thought of us never talking I was the only one he trusted with his secret and I completely tore him down because of it i used it to insult him it was going to take one hell of an apology to get him talking to me again.

Time skip to lunch

It was pouring out side so we had to sit inside Kristine and me found a spot and waited for everyone else I was shitting myself to see Gerard but I knew I needed to apologise sooner rather then later one by one every one showed up pete Patrick Andy ray Frank Hayley yet no sign of Gerard.

One out of the two way brothers made there way over to us unfortunately it wasn't the one I wanted to see not hate to mikey.

"Y/n we need to talk" mikey sounded upset like badly

"Sure what's up" I said while we distanced our self from the group

"Gerard's missing and I know that he went to see you last night and he never came home so what the actual fuck has happened" mikey hissed

"Gees missing" I replied

"Yes so tell me what the fuck happened because I don't think he would have just ran away for the fun of it" mikey snapped

I couldn't tell mikey the whole story yet it wouldn't make sense if i didn't

"Mikey ... we kissed then he told me to not tell anyone and I was mad and... I said some things and I regret it"

"Y/n what did you say" mikey was visibly angry with me he had every right to be I was the reason he ran away

"I can't tell you" I spluttered

"Yo what killed the mood over here" Ryan butted In not the right time ryan pick up on the mood

"Nothing" mikey said before walking away

"God what's up with him... hey you okay you look like you going to cry" Ryan asked me

I just shook my head what the fuck was I meant to say I couldn't say anything ryan just gave me a quick hug Ryan was the best therapist friend out there.

Bit of a short chapter sorry for that

Kill all your friends (vampire Gerard way) Where stories live. Discover now